Chapter 3

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It’s been a week since Lily was hurt. She still isn’t better. The Aurors have been trying to figure out what hurt her, but no luck so far. Our group visits Lily every day. We all keep hoping that one of these days she’ll open her eyes. So far she hasn’t even moved. Not having her around to break the tension is wearing on all of us. She’s the comic relief in our group. Without her, we’re all just numb.

Currently I’m sitting by her hospital bed. I keep waiting for her to wake up and say something funny, but it isn’t happening. Madam Pomfrey keeps looking at me sympathetically. You’re probably wondering why no one else is here. Well, a few days ago we were told to get to class or get detention. Everyone’s been going to class since then. I’m still sitting here because detention doesn’t bother me. I’d rather be here when Lily wakes up then be stuck in class. We might not be related, but she’s like a sister to me. After all, I spend most of my time at the Potter residence.

Headmaster Speare enters the Hospital Wing. He walks over to me and shakes his head. I don’t even acknowledge that he’s there. His hand lands on my shoulder and I shake it off. Honestly right now he could threaten to expel me and I won’t move. I’m going to be here when Lily wakes up. Nothing can drag me away from this spot.

“Daniel.” Headmaster Speare whispers.

“Yes?” I sigh.

“There’s something you should know.”

“What is it?”

“The Aurors know who hurt Miss Potter.”


“Can you think of no one who would want to harm her?”

I close my eyes and think. No one comes to mind. Everyone I know loves Lily. Everybody at school thinks she’s hilarious. Honestly I can’t think of anyone who would want to hurt Lily. She’s the nicest, funniest, and sweetest person I know.

“I don’t know sir.”

“Someone very close to you.”


“Someone you know well.”

“Will you just say it already?!” I shout as I clench my fist.

“Your brother.”

I stop breathing. My whole body freezes. It doesn’t make sense. Justin would never hurt Lily. He’s always been a bad guy, but he’d never hurt Lily. He knows that she’s practically family. Sure he’d love to hurt me, but…

Everything makes sense. Justin hurt Lily in order to hurt me. He did this to get back at me. Just because he has no friends and can’t get away from home. My older brother hurt my best friend’s younger sister to get back at me. Only because I got away and he didn’t. I never thought he would actually hurt someone. I guess with parents like ours it was only a matter of time.

I squeeze Lily’s hand a run a hand through my hair. She still doesn’t stir. My chest aches. This really wasn’t Al’s fault. It was mine. Lily’s hurt because of me. She’s hurt badly because of me. It’s all my fault. Headmaster Speare turns to leave as I’m mentally beating myself.

“Wait. Did they catch him?” I ask.

“No. They believe he’s still in the forest.”


“Do not go looking for him Daniel. The Aurors will handle this.”

“I know.”


Headmaster Speare leaves the Hospital Wing. I squeeze Lily’s hand and brush the hair away from her face. She remains as still as ever. The tears I’ve been holding in for so long cascade down my face. As I cry, I lay my head on the side of the bed.

“I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry.” I cry.

“Stop blubbering and help me up will you.”

My head shoots up. Sure enough Lily is staring at me with those big brown eyes. I brush the tears away and help her sit up. She swings her legs over the edge of the bed and smiles. We both start laughing. Honestly I don’t know why, but that’s how it is around Lily. Just random spurts of laughter.

“Has Quidditch started yet?” Lily asks.

“No.” I smile.

“Really? We’re getting a late start aren’t we?”

“Yeah I guess so.”

“How long have I been out?”

“A week.”

“Really? It doesn’t seem that long. Why hasn’t Molly started practice yet?”

“I… um… I don’t know.”

“Well ask her.”

“I don’t think she really likes me.”

“That’s just what she wants you to think.”

“How do you know?”

“Because she told me something.”

“What did she tell you?”

“I can’t say.”

“Alright. Let me go get the rest of the gang.”

“Okay. Tell them to bring food. I’m starving!”

I laugh and walk out of the Hospital Wing. As soon as I’m out, I sprint to the Great Hall. It’s dinner time, so everyone should be there. Sprinting, I rush into the Great Hall. Everyone looks at me. Really I could care less right now. Quickly, I tell everyone to grab some food and follow me. The whole group grabs different food and follows me as I sprint back to the Hospital Wing.

“Mind telling us what’s up?” Molly asks as we run toward the Hospital Wing.

“You’ll find out.” I laugh.

“What’s so funny?”

“Just trust me.”

Molly stays quiet as we reach the Hospital Wing. I open the door and everyone runs inside. Everyone’s jaws drop as they see Lily. Lily and I both laugh as everyone slowly walks over. James and Albus give their sister a big hug. She grabs a chicken leg out of Al’s hand. Everyone starts laughing.

We eat dinner in the Hospital Wing. Winky, one of the house elves, brings us up more food. We’ve all become friends with the female house elf. She continues bringing us food until we can’t eat anymore. When we finally stop eating, it’s close to midnight. Madam Pomfrey shoos us out of the Hospital Wing and tells us that Lily can return to class tomorrow. We all leave the Hospital Wing full and happy. All of us sack out in the common room, too tired to make it to our dorms.

The Next Generation (A hp fan fic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora