Chapter 7

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I walk into the forest. It’s extremely dark and I can barely see anything. Slowly, I draw my wand. If Justin is out here he’ll need to see me to find me. This could be dangerous, but if it means that no one else will get hurt it’s worth it.

“Lumos.” I breathe.

The tip of my wand lights up and I can see a little bit. I can only see about three feet in front of me, but it’s better than not being able to see anything. This little bit of light will have to do. It serves its purpose well enough. I’ll be able to see and Justin will be able to find me.

I walk through the forest until I reach a clearing. It’s fairly large and honestly seems out of place. This is probably the only place where trees don’t completely cover the forest. Deciding that this would be the best spot to catch Justin, I sit down in the center of the clearing. I close my eyes and wait for any sound.

A twig snaps. It’s been maybe ten minutes since I sat down. I hurry to my feet and turn around in a circle. Pop! I jump backwards and hold my wand in front of me. My heart is racing and I’m trying to think of all the spells I know. There’s only one that’s really coming to mind. It might help, but only if I’m quick enough.

I hear his laughter before I see him. The cold, menacing laughter that I’ve heard only from my father. Another twig snaps and I spin around. Justin is standing maybe twenty feet in front of me. He’s still laughing and advancing toward me.

I take a step back. Justin’s dangerous and right now he seems a little bit crazy too. I’m a little bit terrified right now. If I die here, Molly might just hate me forever. No matter what happens I won’t die here. I won’t die. I won’t.

“Why?” I breathe.

“You know why.” Justin replies.

“Why Lily?”

“She was an easy target.”

“What kind of magic did you even use?”

“Very dark magic. A spell I came up with on my own actually.”

“But why…”

I’m cut off as Justin sends a spell my way. I fall to my knees and clutch my chest. All of the air from my body is gone. I can’t breathe and my vision starts to fade. Justin releases the spell and I breathe deeply. So that’s what he used.

“Face it Dan. You’re helpless against me.” Justin laughs without humor.

“You’re just like him.” I whisper.

“Speak up.”

“You’re just like him.” I say louder.

“I am not.”

“Look at yourself Justin! You almost killed Lily! You’re a spitting image of our father!”

“Shut up!”

Justin hits me with that spell again. My vision starts to fade, but I try to stay alive. I try to cast a spell, but I can’t breathe and I can’t think. Everything is starting to go black when Justin releases the spell. Carefully, I stand up with my wand in hand.

I take a good look at my brother. He really has become our father. His eyes have the same dark look to them. He’s a little bit loopy. I’m terrified because I know what my father is capable of and I have a feeling that Justin is capable of much worse.

“Justin. Just stop. You don’t have to be like him.” I breathe.

“You’re right. I don’t have to be like him. It’s just so much fun though.” Justin smiles.

He cast the spell again, but I manage to dodge it. I run across the clearing and hide behind a tree. It may seem cowardly, but it may be my only way to survive. Cautiously I peek out from behind the tree. Justin cast a spell at me and I dodge it.

“Come out and fight coward!” Justin shouts.

“Stupefy!” I yell running from behind the tree.

Justin is thrown backwards. He lands but doesn’t get injured. I duck behind the tree as he cast a spell. It barely misses me. As fast as I can, I run to another tree while dodging a spell. This tree gives me a better angle.

“Stupefy!” I shout again.

“Sectumsempra!” Justin yells as he dodges my spell.

I fall to my knees and roll back into the clearing. There’s a huge slash from my right shoulder to my left hip. It’s bleeding really badly. Justin is stalking towards me and I don’t have my wand. I’m completely defenseless.

“I told you you’d never win.” Justin whispers in my ear.

“At least I’m going to Azkaban.” I smirk.


I laugh as Harry and five other Aurors appear in the clearing. They all cast stunning spells. Justin falls to the ground, unconscious. Harry orders the Aurors to take Justin straight to Azkaban. He walks over to me and kneels beside me.

“You’ll be okay. Just stay with me.” Harry whispers.

I nod my head as we apparate. My vision starts to fade as doctors and nurses surround me. I’m not sure where I am, but if I had to guess I’d say St. Mungos. The doctors put me on a cot and roll me into a room. They huddle over me and start mumbling healing spells. Harry stays by my side.

“Molly.” I whisper.

“Okay.” Harry breathes.

I watch him apparate. Once he’s gone, everything goes black. The last thing I remember is seeing Molly’s face. I don’t know if it was a dream or real. That’s just the last thing I remember.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2012 ⏰

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