It's Written In Blood

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          I sat down in my favorite opening, messing with the flowers, smelling the elk hiding behind trees, bushes, wherever just to stay away from me. Its amazing how even in my human form I still am able to smell, hear, hell even see things normal people couldn’t even dream of.

          A strange feeling begins to creep up my spine as I had the urge to turn around. Sort of that paranoid feeling you get after something paranormal happens in your home, or just around you in general. I sniff the air smelling fur. Wait fur? How is that…? I’m interrupted in mid-thought as I felt someone cling on to me, causing me to yelp and try struggling away.

          “Let go of me!” I shouted in the guys face. “Get off me wolf” I push him away just to get grab by someone else from the side of me. “Derek come on!” the one grabbing called out as someone pokes their head up, running after a rabbit, making me chuckle a little. Yup, that’s an omega alright.

          “It’s a shame that you have no pack” the one who first grabbed me crouched down where I sat on the ground, pulling up a cloth towards my mouth. I feel myself calming down before blocking out.

Don't Be Fooled, I Was Raised By The Wolves (Falling In Reverse FanFic) Where stories live. Discover now