From The Bottom To The Top

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          “What’s your favorite color” he said randomly, catching me off guard, causing me to laugh from the sudden childish question. “What?” he acted offended. “You asked the most serious questions and out of the blue you speak none sense” I continued to laugh to myself. “That’s an adorable laugh” he smiled at me. “I haven’t noticed” I yawned due to the lack of sleep. “Well the answer?” he gave me a small smile. “Probably purple or blue” I shrugged.

          “Why don’t you ask me a question, ease off the tension” He began drumming his fingers onto the desk. “When did you realize you wanted to make music for a living?” I felt it was a reasonable question due to the fact that there were men in bands all over the room. “At a very young age actually, I was very fond with rap that I wanted to become one, but didn’t really think it was possible due to the fact that well all rappers were—not to be rude—black. Until one day I heard a person on the radio, a white man to be exact, have being grown up, it dawned to me that it was possible.

          “I made a band with my old friend Craig, following with another friend Max, we invited other friends of course, and we made quite a living. We toured the world in places most kids would never even think of, it was honestly one of the best times in my life at the time” he sighed. “But all good things come to an end eventually, I was really into drugs at the time and things began pilling up and I ended up getting put in jail”  He scratched the back of my head.

          “I began writing music, putting my anger and thoughts with pen and paper. I got a hold of my now Beta’s and Omega’s and started creating a new band, I every once and a while get out to tour and that business. And of course come hang with my daughter. So here I am” he gestured nothing in general. Maybe I should give them I chance; I mean he did just opened up to me like nothing while I avoided eye contact for 3 months. But then again, this is only a start.


Should she let give them a chance? Or will she find another reason to keep herself away from everyone who just wants to know who she is?

I hoped you enjoyed that background cx

Listening to: Fair-weather Fans - Ronnie Radke

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