Africa's Burden

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So this was a history assignment, where we had to make a poem or rap about Imperialism in Africa. That was the time when Europe thought Africa was living their lives all wrong, so they tried to colonize, in other words, take over Africa and make it their own. They believed it was their "God given duty" to help them, and that it was a "white man's burden". This rap is from the point of view of Africa. It is more a rap than a poem, but I was just so proud of it I had to share with you guys!! :)

We are dying from smallpox

Can't even afford socks

Even with improved sanitation

And new transportation,

We are dying, slowly

Believing in things we don't find holy

Hungry, wanting to feed

While Europe's filled with greed

They wear their shirts with buttons

Acting very glutton

While we are wearing scraps

And our nation as collapsed

Hospitals cannot help grief and starvation

Our people are dealing with great devastation

Although we have opportunities for education

We cannot bring the ways back of our fallen nation

"White man's burden" they call it

Trying to civilize us, hypocrites

"God given duty" they make clear

Do they expect us to quiver in fear?

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