Impossible -Ethan-

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Obviously from the amazing throwback song "Impossible"

Lately I've been obsessed.
I mean how could you not?

But anyways, it inspired me to write this.

Sorry if it sucks, I've had very blunt experiences with actual love .


I convinced myself I'd done the right thing.

Ethan and I cherished our time together, but now it's over. I didn't blame anyone, and I know he didn't either.

I never saw myself as the type to fall in love, I guess that's why they call it falling.

It's scary, unexpected.

It's a form of self harm people bring to themselves.

Oh if I only I knew that then.
I wouldn't have jumped in so fast.

I wouldn't have let myself risk everything in hopes of finding love.

I've been told countless times to pick my partners wisely.
And I've been reminded how hard relationships are.

But being in love is something no one can describe to you.

For that I'm thankful, without it being described you'll just have to feel it on your own.

Everyone has different was to see love.

Some say it's the most amazing feeling to have, others wish they hadn't ever felt it.

I suppose that's why it's so terrifying.

Not knowing what to expect.
Not having a guide or a explanation to how things will turn out.

I've been warned to be extremely aware of what I do every step when it came to loving someone.

But Ethan Grant made me forget to be afraid. He led me to think of love as a craving I couldn't wait for.

That was possibly my biggest mistake.

If only everyone knew what they were truly getting into when they're in love.

I'm convinced and it would help many broken hearts never face that pain again.

I've heard so many storied of girls who got hurt by the thought of love, I was just so ignorant.

I never thought I'd get hurt by Ethan, or by my feelings towards him.
But I did. It wasn't all rainbows and butterflies.

It took a turn and was so dark and painful.

I would've never seen it coming.

He made it seem so impossible.

Sorry it's short !
Hope you enjoyed

Impossible is a song that explains so many things both girls and boys go through when they are or think they are in love.

So just be careful babes.
Think wisely of everything you do when you think you might love someone or when you think someone loves you.

Because even if that person does love you, does not mean they can't hurt you.


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