chapter one

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 “Alright, my young scholars,” Professor McKallin, my extremely Irish political science teacher spoke as the last student turned in their essay and walked back to their seat, “in a few moments, I shall let you out of me classroom for break, but before I do, I would like to remind you that even though you may be out of me class room for a month and half, please-” the poor , and incredible awkward, red hair man wasn’t even able to finish his sentence before the bell tolled and the class rushed for the door, leaving only me and Professor McKallin in their dust.

“Thank you Professor,” I said with a smile as I slung my bag over my shoulder, “I hope you have a good break.”

“No, thank you Mrs. Piper Hensley, it’s always a joy to see you in my class. Do you have any plans for break? Possibly going back to America to your family?” He said kindly, with sympathy in his eyes.

I laughed at the thought of seeing my parents. I don’t fit in with them, especially after the…incident. I decided to move across the world for university for a reason, and trust me, it wasn’t for the food.

But instead of rolling my eyes at his statement, I just smiled and shook my head, “Nah, I’m gonna stay here with my roommate and celebrate the holidays with her and Ryder.”

“Ahh yes, Mr. Ryder Cullen. Quite the quick one he is. Very clever.”  Professor McKallin said thoughtfully, falling back in his chair his short legs dangling off, “he smells good as well.”

I laughed at the odd statement as he chuckled, lost in thought, “I know you will go a long way Mrs. Hensley, just watch your back and remember not everyone is you’re friend. Not everyone out there is as nice as me!”

He gave me a silly wink before jumping up and escorting me out of the room, his head not even close to being level to my 5’3 frame. “Anyways, lots of papers to grade Mrs. Hensley, I best be getting to ‘em!”

I smiled at my favorite teacher and said “Have a great break, Professor.” I was just about to walk out the door when I remembered something.

“Oh Professor McKallin! Do you have my recommendation letter for the internship??”

“Of course I do! Come on, Piper what kind of teacher do you take me for?” he said laughing.

“the insane kind!” I said laughing at the crazy Irishman.

“Aye, what else would I be? But yes I have already sent it and at your intern ship at BBC radio if you happen to meet a young man named Dan Howell, a former law student of mine, tell him I said hello and that he still owes me a paper on the creation of Parliament!” he yelled after me, laughing, as I walked down the corridor, bracing myself for the cold wind.


Thank god Professor McKallin’s class is just 3 blocks from my flat, ‘cause it’s freaking cold as balls outside.

This is the time of year that I wish I was back in my hometown. It was always warm back in Florida. I don’t think I even owned jeans until I was in 8th grade.

“Hey, Julia I’m back!”

Julia was my roommate. She was loud, incredibly outgoing, beautiful and a social butterfly. Everyone loved her. So she was pretty much the exact opposite of me. 5’10, size 00, blonde, blue eyes and somehow tan despite living in England her entire life, Julia was any guys dream girl.

“Hey little one!” she said, confidently strolling in the room wearing skin tight jeans and an oversized sweater.

She patted me on the head as she walked to the fridge pulling out a soda and offering me one, which I gladly accepted. Caffeine is what I run off of.

On Air (danisnotonfire fanfiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora