I Can't Do This

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"I just can't do this anymore" She says as she continues on. "You keep on doing this to me and I can't take it anymore." He stays silent

"And the fact you don't have anything to say because you know I'm right."

"You are right" He finally says. Her eyes start to get watery but she tries to hold the tears back until he leaves.

"Please just leave."

"Don't do this Eva." She can't think straight. She just wants him gone and out of her sight for good.

"What else am I suppose to do?! Forgive you like everything's going to be alright because it won't be George it won't. It never will be!" She yells.

Tears are starting to fall out of her eyes. She can't hold back anymore. She's broken and he can do nothing to fix her. He's already caused her pain.

"I can't leave you. I love you. I'm so sorry."

"You tell me this every time and you never stop doing it. You say you're sorry and we make up and we're happy for a week, then you go out and you do it again."

She can barely even talk. The crying makes it even worse for her.

"I'm sorry."

"Please just leave. I don't want to see you. Please."

"Ok. I'll go and you won't see me again. I promise you that."

She doesn't say anything to him. It's dead silent now. All you can hear is the movement of his steps.

"When can I get my things?"

"I'll tell Matty t-to tell you w-when." As she says that he opens the door taking one of the very last steps in this apartment that they shared together. Where everything started and now it's ending.

He turns back to look at her.

"I'm sorry I was never what you wanted me to be." He shuts the door.

He's finally gone and she can't help but want to call him back and tell him everything is going to be ok and she forgives him. She knows she can't do that. She knows she has to be strong.

She knew she took a chance with him since the beginning when he first asked her out.

He thought he was all bad ass and thought he could basically get any girl that he wanted. Which was actually very true. He didn't need that anymore once he met Eva.

She was different. She never wanted a relationship with him. She just wanted to be friends. That was it. He didn't mind that at all either. He enjoyed her company.

She knew he had a way with girls so she didn't want anything from him. But then she started falling for him and him to her. Everyone told them they were a cute couple. She would blush and he would say we're not a couple.

George's best friend Matty would always tell him to just ask her out already. He would tell Matty that she didn't want that and respected her opinion.

But actually he was wrong she did want to be with him as much as he wanted her.

Now she regrets it so much. She wish she would've just stayed friends with him and never got serious. This would have never happened if they just stayed friends.

I Can't Do This // George DanielWhere stories live. Discover now