Chapter 1

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Hello people so I am starting this new book and it will basically just be random prompts I found online and write a story too.

*Not really smut in this chapter but there is a make out session
"Em, hurry up we are going to be late!"
"Give me a sec, jeesh" I slip on two of my black lip rings on the left side and tease my long black hair with red bangs. Yes I am basically the stereotypical emo I know. Me and Ronnie, well Veronica, are going to a

"Okay, okay I am done" I say as I step out of the bathroom. I am not the most dressed up. It is just a casual party, but with my ripped black skinny jeans 'I am sherlocked' t-shirt and high top black converse that lace up to my knees I think I look pretty good.
Ronnie looks me up and down,
"Damn, you look hot. Now come on we need to go!"

We were on our way out of our dorm room we shared and I noticed Ronnies outfit. She was wearing a pastel shirt covered in rainbows and unicorns and glitter that says 'I'll see you in hell' which is quite accurate considering she could be the queen. She was also in black skinny jeans and black and white vans. Her hair was a wavy brown with an emo cut. Of course she straightens it so it is completely sleek. She may not look the part but she is actually really popular, that is why we are going.

Down the street from our dorm there is a sorority house and it always has raging parties. As we get close we can hear the music getting louder and louder as the bass vibrated the ground we stood on. Lights were going off all around us and I was pretty nervous. Truthfully this is not my scene I only go for Ronnie. I guess she realized I seemed pretty nervous because she grabbed my hand and lead me in. Once we were in the house we could see how many people were truly there. We have to snake around people to get to the kitchen not letting go of each others hands.

Once we made it to the kitchen we ran into one of Ronnies friend.
"Hey, Ronnie!" They hug a bit and then small talk a little while I stand there awkwardly.
"Anne this is my ...friend?... Emily."
She says friend with questioning in her voice because we aren't really sure what we are. I admit I have feelings for her, I have since I've met her. I'm just not sure if she feels the same. Sure we've kissed, along with other stuff- let me just say her long nails hurt- but we haven't really had the talk wether we are dating or not.

We make more casual small talk with people that I am not the best at so I let Ronnie do most of the talking. After an hour or so of talking we went back to the kitchen to get drinks. The only thing they had non-alcoholic to drink was punch so I grabbed a glass for me a Ronnie. I took a sip.
"Mmm, obviously spiked punch my favorite!" I say and we both burst out laughing. Wow this stuff is strong!

After a few more drinks we were both drunk off our asses but not enough to not know what was going on. Long story short we ended up in a closet making out and that is where we stayed for the rest of the party.

It was 3 am before we stopped and most of the people were gone so we headed out too. We were walking along with both of our soberness back. A guy in a black hoody rammed into us.
"Hey watch where your going!" Ronnie yells at the dude.

I'm the blink of an eye the guy was over too us again and grabbed Ronnie. I tried to throw him off her but he was too strong and flung me backwards onto the cold hard concrete. He removed his hood and bent Ronnies neck so it was exposed. In the light of the moon I could vaguely see his mouth, but I had to be hallucinating. Throwing his head back and opening his mouth wide there were two white as snow fangs. He threw his head forward and sunk the fangs into Ronnies neck. I was too in shock to do anything so I just sat there on the pavement with my head bleeding from where I hit is falling down.

Ronnie toppled over in pain as th man ran off.
I rushed over to her and saw the bite wounds the strange man left on her. The veins around it seemed to stand out but not in its usual blue color but black. The black vein like lines followed up her neck to her eyes. She was screaming in pain by now and clutching her stomach.
I didn't know what to do. I set her up and tried to calm her down but nothing was working.

I looked into her eyes and in that moment I saw the life leave her beautiful eyes, even tho she was not dead. I wasn't sure what had happened but her body just went limp and fell on me her eyes closed now. I tried to check for a pulse but I couldn't find one. I started to freak out.

"Ronnie!? Ronnie, it's me Em, come on you have to wake up! You can't be dead you can't be!" I say whilst sobbing into her shoulder I gripped he cheek and kissed her. She couldn't be dead.

I didn't know what to do so I carried her back to our dorm room. Anyone who say me just thought she passed out from dinking too much. Once we got there I set her on her bed not sure knowing what else to do I went to sleep.

The next morning I woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs. What the heck? I get up to check and I see that Ronnies bed is empty. I ran frantically to the kitchen to see Ronnie standing over the stove a spatula in hand. Running up to her I hug her and bury my head in her neck.
"Ouch be careful Em, also next time go easy on the hickeys my neck is killing me."
"Ronnie I thought you were dead!"
She gave me a confused look so I sat her down on the couch and explained the story.

"So what am I a vampire then because that sounds a lot like you are describing."
"I mean it does make sense. The guy, his fangs, the pain. Well let's test it." I grab a knife off the counter and cut my hand. Before I know it Ronnie is on top of me straddling my waist and sucking on my hand.
"I guess that answers my question." I say while holding back a moan. Half of pain half of pleasure. To be honest seeing Ronnie like this was pretty hot. I quickly changed to position we were in to where she is still on top of me but I am kissing her instead of her sucking my blood. The more and more heated the make out session got Ronnie dropped her head to my neck and started sucking on it, I moaned and felt something sharp against my neck. It took me a minute to realize it was her fangs.

Ronnie quickly jumped off of me and the couch and went to the other side of the room. Causously I aproched her again.
"Ronnie? Ronnie, what happened?"
"I-I don't want to hurt you." She says through tears
"You aren't going to hurt me it is okay. Actually," I sat on her lap straddling her legs "I want to be a vampire too. This isn't like one of those cheesy vampire movies where the person doesn't want to be a vampire. Fuck that, this is awesome! Please Ronnie? Pleeeeeeease?" Ronnie kissed me and we started another make out session. The same thing happened as it got more heated she started kissing and sucking on my neck right where my jugular is.
"Are you sure you want to do this?" She said in between gasp. I just nodded in response. I suddenly felt points on my neck and a sharp pain ripped through my whole body. I whimpered and Ronnie kissed me again.
"I know, I know it hurts. It is okay it will be over soon." Then I blacked out.

A few hours later I woke up again in my bed and it was pitch black out side. I got up and roamed the dorm a little until I found Ronnie.

"Hey how are you feeling," she asked quietly.
"Amazing. Hey also. Since you know, we are now immortal vampires and everything, wouldyouliketobemygirlfriend?" I said in one quick sentance.

In response Ronnie just kissed me and we both smiled into the kiss.

Random One-shots Based on Prompts I SeeWhere stories live. Discover now