erhhhh why ME!

31 1 4

jungkook p.o.v.

"WHAT!WHAT THE FUCK NO HELL NO!"i shouted at my older brother v. i don't want to marry her."listen jungkook-"v started."no why should i HUH I DON'T WANNA MARRY MARIA-"i was cut of by a very scary looking v."LISTEN MUM AND DAD WANTED THIS, THIS WAS THEIR LAST BEFORE BEFORE THEY-"v stopped. "it was mums and dads last wish before they went."

"they said to me make sure everyone is happy especially jungkook, make us proud and MAKE sure he marries maria."v continued as he calmed down slowly."they would always tell me especially mum that it should be jimin and lisa, me and alia ,suga and anna and you and maria."v said with tears in his eyes."erh v don't cry come on i know it is hard but, but, but what about jimin?"i asked confusedly. "they Have to break up"v said looking at me.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~earlier that day~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"jungkook come down stairs please!"i heard v yell."why?!"i said in an annoyed voice yelled. "For flip sakes man" I mumbled.

"Erhh Jungkook Can I talk to you please and don't please don't eat angry it is about mum and dad" v said with tears in his eyes. "Ok go on but no promises" I replied. "So before mum and dad went they well told me that - erhhh well they wanted jimin with Lisa me with alia Anna with suga and Errh- you with Maria.." v said whole scratching his neck

"Hahahaha what me and Maria na man I only fuck girls that's it ok understand oh and stop joking" I said laughing

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Dec 22, 2017 ⏰

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