iii. a challenge

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I know it's going to be a challenge getting a boyfriend. I mean I've hooked up with people before but I've never been the type for a real relationship.

But that was about to change.
Ian and I had just finished filming the 'James & Ian Show: Relationships'. If I ever got a chance to see him again I would do a lot of not so pleasant things to him. 

Ian was chilling in the living room, playing on his phone. I was growing bored, so Ian and I decided to go to an escape room, Lauren and Cameron tagging along.

"Ian come one just shove it into the hole!!" I yelled, starting to get annoyed with Ian.

"Hah, that's what she said!" He stupidly said, and before we could escape, the alarm rang, signaling us that our time was up and that we hadn't escaped the escape room in time. 


"Hey it wasn't my fault I was just trying to stick it in properly, with precision." He claims, a small smirk on his face.

God, why couldn't mom get back on birth control after she had me?

"And you wonder why we never let you come with us to escape rooms," I respond.

"Well, who cares? Anyone down for pizza?" Cameron asks.

"Yes, I'm starving!" I exclaim.

"Fatass," Ian says.

"Excuse me? Pssht, cuntwaffle."

Ian is about to shoot another comeback, before he does a double take, "Wait what, cuntwaffle, what the hell is a cuntwaffle?" He shakes his head laughing.

"Oh I know, It's when you roll your waffle into a taco to make it look like a vagin-" Cameron starts to say but before he can finish his sentence Lauren interrupts him.

"Ew, no its exactly what it is, a cuntwaffle." She explains.

"Whatever it is, can we move on and just get to the apartment already?" Cameron says.

"Yes, thank Jesus! Someone who truly understands me!" I exclaim, being my dramatic self. 

We decide to uber to the apartment cause, let's be honest we're all broke as f*ck. Okay, not all of us -mainly me. And Ian.  Actually, mainly Ian. 

As soon as we arrive at my apartment, our boredom begins to grow, again, so after the pizza arrives I somehow convince Cameron to let me do his makeup. 

"So basically you're putting vagina shapes out of this foundation stuff under my eyes, and on my forehead, when you should be putting a real vagina on my mouth." He states.

"Oh my god, CAMERON!" I scream his name, as I smack his arm, as he begins to laugh.


"Cameron stop moving!" I laugh.

"I can't it tickles." He bursts out in laughter as I continue to move the morphe brush back and forth across his eyelid, making his eyelid a shimmery dark blue, along with the side of his head.

"See, look what you made me do! God,  you're so lucky concealer exists..." I mumble the latter.


"OH MY GOD, I LOOK EVEN MORE HOTTER! HOLY GUAC, I'M BEAUTIFUL!" He says in a very joyful tone, as he does a hair flip with his non-existent weave, so I decided I'd give him one.

It's now one am, and Lauren and I are talking about relationships. Since I lack a lot of experience in this specific.

"Okay, so now on to how to find a boyfriend, how do I do that?" I question her.

"First off, you need to go out more, specifically social events, such as a concert." She states.

this is a filler, sorry no drama yet... & yeah... 

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