What really happened...

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Crystal's Pov:

I'm not going to like cutting Riley out of my life... But I have to... No more slumber parties or Christmases together... All because of my selfishness... We recently let Carrie hang out with us... She was unlike me... She was super hyper and social. Riley and I used to have our own lives and thought EVERYONE else sucked... So why does Carrie get a free pass to friendship island? I had all my classes with both of them except math. I sat down kind of hating my life when Gwen came up. Gwen is your typical bad girl...

"Sooooo word is that your little friend is leaving you... We'd like to offer you a spot at our table if you'll take it..." She said.... I don't know why but I took it... I loved being Riley's friend more than life but I stopped talking to her I stopped hanging out with her... Then I realized I loved her... Not as a friend... In a bi way... But before my new groupies found out they set me up with Tom... It's November 30 Tom got me roses... I pretend their not from him...he's nice and all but... I don't like him...

December 2 I dyed my hair just yesterday... I tried not to pick her favorite colors I went with blue and purple...

Why is so hard to move on so fast?

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