The Island

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Author note

- does anyone want me to finish this story or at least this chapter ?? sound off in the comments cause i wouldn't mind finishing it I just don't know if anyone would even want to read it 

                 I got off the boat with my friend Erika " this doesn't look like the place" I say looking around
"This is the right place" Chris says fixing his hair a bit
"Misdirection for more participation right" Erika asks leaning on my shoulder
"Exactly "he says he points to the waiting area and we sit there and wait till all the contestants arrived so far their was Beth a girl with a lot of spirit and Gwen who gave of goth vibes a guy named DJ who was a little quiet   Geoff who had surfer energy and Lindsey who seemed as bright as a burnt out lightbulb and a rich girl  who wasn't talking with anybody one of the other contestants told me her name was heather the contestant after myself and Erika was one who particularly caught my eye  and if his appearance didn't catch my attention the rockin loud music would.he wore a baggy skull t-shirt and black jeans and a studded choker on  'oh he's cute'  I thought to myself he came over to wait with the rest of us so I decided to introduce myself chris introduced him as Duncan the rest I Ignored mostly anyway he walked towards the rest of us 

"meet you by the campfire gorgeous" he looks towards heather 

"drop dead you creep" duncan unfazed just joins the rest of us 


"Hey yourself hotcakes"he said and I rolled my eyes playfully

"The names Y/N collar boy"

"You got sass and a nice a-

"Hi my names Erika "she said cutting him off 

"Cool"he says and went to stand by Tyler and Harold when  Heather starts having a hissy fit and Erika just smirks as she whines she is going to call  her parents and that Chris cant make them stay here  I smirked a bit too and whisper to Erika  'Drama queen needs to chill" looking towards Duncan then Chris introduces Tyler as he water skis in and lands in heathers bags then in the water on the other side of the dock I burst out laughing along with Erika while Heather had another tantrum over a little water everyone else laughed along and then Harold arrived and joined us Then came Trent " ...So, this is it?" He asked
He looked at the group of campers situated on the dock. Heather wringing the water out from her hair.
:"...All righty, then" he says and joins the rest of the campers. He stands next to Gwen, who turns away with a scowl at first, but then glances with a smile. 'aww those two are cute' I think and I see Erika seems to think the same a  Surfer blond Bridgette came next  on the dock accidentally hitting chris on the head walking towards the boys Jeff introduced himself as they had to keep dodging her board "at least it keeps them on their toes " I say and Erika chuckles

"Nice one " they say eyeing up Chris 

"Oh so that's your type " I say nudging her playfully next was Noah then a cool girl named lashawna then Katy and Sadie then a loser named Ezekiel Cody, ava, owen Courtney then an arrogant model named Justin
"We'll see " is all she says I shake my head and wait for the last person to show up which was a strange girl named Izzy who came in with a bang , to her chin that is.
" OOOOH! That was bad! "He says laughing
" Guys! She could be seriously hurt!" Courtney says concerned and sternly
Courtney runs over to pull Izzy out of the water. Izzy shakes herself dry, similar to a dog. "That felt so… good! Except for hitting my chin. This is summer camp? That is so cool. Do you have paper maché here? Are we having lunch soon?" She says very quickly

"That is a good call!" Owen says looking at chris

"First things first. We need a group photo for the promos. Everyone on the end of the dock!  After taking a picture we were all soaked as the dock broke under all the weight Chris told us to dry off and meet him at the fire pit in 10 minutes

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