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                        I frowned at Asher as I shoveled my food into my mouth. I was starving, but that didn't mean Asher had to be rude about it, and plus, he told me to hurry up and eat so that we can leave. So while I'm doing exactly what he said to do, he's sitting in front of me calling me a pig. That stupid jerky asshole!

            "Jeez, Sage, for a small girl, you sure can eat!" Asher exclaimed. "And you just keep shoveling that food in your mouth, sort of like what a pig does. You're just like inhaling the plate."

            "At least I eat," I grumbled. "Don't you like need blood to survive, vampy?"

            "Well, about that- you see- I'm sort of on- well- sort of like probation," Asher stammered.

            "Probation?" I gasped in mock horror. "Whatever for?"           

            "Drinking the blood of the vampire Council leader- Raphael's son's daughter's nephew's girlfriend," Asher told me.

            "Was she human?" I asked.

            "I thought so," he grumbled. "Turns out she was a witch- Sybil's granddaughter. So now it's either animal blood, or someone has to offer their blood willingly."

            "Aw, you look so glum. It's adorable?" I squealed.

            "Shut up," Asher grouched.

            "Aw is Asher feeling a wittle upset?" I cooed.

            "Don't make fun of me," Asher pouted.

            "If you ask nicely, I will willingly let you have some of my blood," I offered.

            "Ask nicely? You?!" Asher scoffed. "Yeah, right."

            "Fine, I guess its animal blood for you. I hope you can enjoy it, while knowing that you had a mortal right here willing to give you her blood, but your pride kept you from having it," I smiled wickedly.

            Asher frowned and then mumbled something incoherently.

            "What was that?" I asked. "I didn't hear you."

            Asher sighed. "I said may I please drink from you?"

            I thought about it for a moment. "Well, since you said please... I suppose you can."

            I tilted my head to the side and I felt Asher's lips on my neck. I closed my eyes, savoring the feeling of his silky lips on my skin, his breath a sweet caress. I felt his fangs pierce my skin and I groaned from the sharp sting. I moaned as the pain disappeared into a more pleasurable feeling. I'd heard that willingly giving up your blood was more pleasure than pain, almost as good as sex. All too soon, Asher pulled away and licked his lips. He smirked at me and I blushed.

            "Well, that was an interesting noise you made," Asher winked. "It was sexy, do it again."

            "Shut up," I mumbled, pushing him away from me. "Don't we need to be leaving?"


            Asher wrapped his arm around me and led me into yet another fancy hotel. He had some weird infatuation with the high life, and now thanks to him, I was developing the same liking. I never would've pictured myself as the type of girl to drive around in nice cars and stay in luxuriously fancy and expensive hotels, but that's exactly what I was doing. Our hotel room overlooked a body of water, probably a channel, but I don't know which one-I had never been very good in geography. I really did like this hotel, not as much as The Venetian in Vegas, but the Hilton in London was a close second.

            Asher stood behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. His touch excited me, but I told myself that this was just Asher being Asher- his usual funny, flirty, silly self. However, that didn't stop the tingles of warmth that shot through me as he rested his chin on my shoulder. Was this...love? After only a week, was I falling in love with him? After a moment's consideration, I shook off that notion. That silly, childish, naive notion. Love was a fairy tale-created to fool little girls. 

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