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*5 years later*

I landed silently behind the vampire and smirked cruelly; I was the predator and he was the prey. Vampy, prepare to suffer the consequences of your foolish decisions. I grabbed the vampire by the throat, holding my charmed silver blade against his throat. He hissed and recoiled from the pain.

"Tell me what you know about the murdering of witches," I ordered. "And don't lie to me. Maybe I'll let you go free."

"I don't know anything!" He exclaimed. "I had nothing to do with it."

I slid the knife slowly across his throat. The vampire tried to flinch away from the blade. "I thought I told you not to lie to me."

The silver knife was replaced with another that was coated in holy water. The vampire gulped when he saw the new knife in my hand.

"This knife here is coated in holy water," I told him, absentmindedly twirling the knife in my hand. "Do you know what holy water does to a vampire?"

He nodded his head hesitantly and I smirked at him.

"You don't seem to sure," I noted. "Don't worry, I'll tell you what holy water does to a vampire." I paused and took pleasure in the terror that colored his eyes. "Holy water scorches vampires, burns them. It hurts a vampire more than fire; did you know that? And if it were to enter into a vampire's body- god that would hurt wouldn't it? So wanna take a guess as to what the hell will happen to you if you don't start answering my questions?" the vampire was silent. "Go ahead, guess."

"Will you- will you stab me with the knife coated with holy water?" He asked.

"Good job!" I cried. "Score one for the vampires! Now I suggest you start talking."

"What do you want to know?" the vampire inquired.

"Let's start with the basics," I suggested. "What's your name, bloodsucker?"

"Riley Clemens," he gulped.

"Clemens," I repeated. "Now why does that name sound so familiar?" I pretended to ponder it for a moment. "Oh, right! That's the last name of one of the guys we're looking for. Are you by chance related to Tyler Clemens?"

"He's my brother," Riley replied.

"Brother," I mused. "Brothers are very loyal, aren't they? Are you loyal to your brother, Riley?"

"I- I guess," he stammered.

"Hmm, would you lie to the authorities for your brother, Riley?" I asked.

"N-no?" it sounded more like a question then a statement.

"I thought I told you not to lie to me, Riley," I said.

I drove the knife into his stomach, not too far, but enough to make him scream out in pain. I removed the blade and watched him writhe in pain.

"That was your warning," I told him. "Now, Riley let's try this again. Have you ever lied to the authorities for your brother?"

"Yes," he gasped.

"Good, now we're getting somewhere. What did you lie about?" I asked him.

"They asked me if I knew what my brother had done, I said no," Riley said.

"And what was your brother doing?"

"Killing witches."

"Was it just him?"


I stabbed him again, this time it was a little closer to the place where his heart should be. He shrieked loudly.

"Don't lie," I growled.

"Okay, okay, I was with him on a couple of them, but with some of the witches, he would take other people with him to help him. I don't know who they are. I swear!" he exclaimed.

"You're finally telling the truth," I smiled. "But since you don't know the whereabouts of your brother or the names of his accomplices, you're no good to me."

"W-what?" he stuttered.

"You're going to die, Riley Clemens; for the atrocious crime you have committed against a supernatural race," I announced in a monotone voice.

His eyes rolled into the back of his head as the knife plunged into his heart. He collapsed onto the ground and, with a little spell work from me, disappeared into millions of ashes. I sighed and walked away. My phone buzzed in my pocket and I pulled it out, groaning at the name.

"What, Adam?" I snapped.

"Sage, I'm adding an extra person to this investigation," he told me.

"Who?" I wondered.

"You'll find out tomorrow," Adam said. "The two of you will be protecting who we think are the next targets. sixteen year old twin witches; Alexia and Jason Townsend."

"So now I'm a babysitter?" I asked bitterly.

"You're the only person who can actually put up with children," Adam told me. "Sage, these kids have immense power, and you're the only one who gets through to the kids. We need you. Please. Please do this for us."

I sighed. "Well, since you said please..."

"Thank you, Sage," Adam said.

"Eh, don't mention it."


I pulled my sunglasses over my eyes as I waited for the car to arrive. Adam still hadn't told me who my new partner was, so I didn't know who to expect. I sighed, leaning against a lamp post. My eyes slid close, whoever this person was, they were late. And I was fucking pissed. It was so not a good first impression to show up late. I heard the purr of an engine coming down the road, but I didn't bother opening my eyes. I assumed it was just another passing car. I was wrong.

"Hello, there, Sage." I would know that voice anywhere. Hell to the fucking no.

I swallowed and opened my eyes. "Hello, Asher."

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