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Warning: This story has langue, Violence, and Adult themes. Please take cautioned from this point foreward. And dont complian about the story sense you have been warned.

The picture to the side is Raven.



Staring at the dark red walls while the dim candle light flickered over it leaving strange shadows to dance on them and cause shivers to roll down my back, my hair was matted with blood and I kept tuning the screams that came from the next room over. In my hand was a beautiful silver cross that was detailed with veins and very well made and life like Jesus hanging on it. Until I came here I had never once thought about how dangerous it was.

The cross was the only part of my life that he had allowed me to keep, it hung on a small silver chain and wrapped around my waist, I was my mommy’s ‘Angel’ and never did wrong. That she knew about, I only carried the thing to appease her. Thank God for that. When the footsteps came my way I tensed and my eyes flickered to my bloodied hands and the cross, gripping it hard I held my breath and waited for the knob to turn.

Instead of Him, it was just his daughter. Her clean skin and gold hair was a surprise in the damp, dirty darkness of my cell. “Are you being good?” She said and gave me a smile that meant she was playing with me. The ‘fresh’ air that came into the room was laced with her expensive perfume, piss, and death. I relaxed because she was his baby, and hated getting dirty. That and even if he wanted to he would never play with me in front of her, it might upset her. If only he realized she was just as twisted as him but her plaything was a few doors down.

I decided long ago to save him which is kinda why I was locked down in the nasty place, “When have I ever been bed?” I replied and gave her an seductive smile that made her blush and she scampered off my door slightly open giving me a chance to see more of my room if I wanted. A splitting scream echoed the halls and a grunt, I knew he was down playing and would be for the day. I felt bad for the girl, number 17, we were given numbers because we were just play things not human. I’m number 22.

My hands shook slightly and I knew I wouldn’t survive long enough to kill him so after I heard his feet pad away I crawled over to a broken corner and wrote in my blood a short note and left my cross there. I just hoped whichever unfortunate girl found it would be able to survive.

Crawling back to the center of the room I waited and heard a noise above me, slowly lighter but just as dangerous foot falls descended and came to my room. Looking up I saw him, once he was my knight in shining armor but now he was just my Grimm Reaper. The one who would bring about my death, who signed my death warrant the first day he meet me. “Hello, Fathers asleep” he whispered and bent down to my level, his hand cupping my check and I felt tears float down my cheek.

He smelt like mint, he has always smells like mint. “Smile love or else I will have to punish you” his voice took on a dark tone while his hand painfully gripped me by my matted black hair and tugged it. Crying harder I stared at him and wished death to be quick, throwing me against the wall I whimpered and he grunted with satisfaction. “Baby… Did that hurt?” He whispered with a cruel smile, “Maybe I should cut some wings into your back so you can really be an angle just like your mommy wanted. So bad you’re such a bad bad girl” he laughed and I lay slumped on the floor and smiled softly when I spotted my cross. Someone will find it; some strong girl will surprise them all and end this torture.

Feeling him kick me before slipping in between my legs he didn’t notice that I was so out of it on the euphonium of finally going to be at rest I couldn’t feel him anymore. There was an odd sensation and I knew he was suffocating me but I didn’t panic instead I smiled as it all went black and I felt my soul slip away.

She was at peace, I was written on her face and I frowned. That wasn’t right. Leaving her there I walked down the hallway to see my sister with a whip in hand standing over the bloody figure crouched on the ground. “Say it!” She screamed and I watched as the badly beaten body held out and grunted no. Looking over she saw me and smiled and waved, “Break your old one already?” She asked with a wistful sigh, “I want him to break already!” She pouted and I laughed knowing she would be extremely bored if he did.

“Fuck you cunt bag bitch!” Came a crock from the figure and her eyes came alight as she flicked her wrist expertly leaving a deep red line on the figures back. “That the best you got?” I kinda missed him, it was a shame that he had gained her attention he should have listened to me and just toyed with her until she was bored.

That’s how I left them, it was time to hunt.

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