Shotguns and dead bodies

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***Junpier's POV***

Cuddled in Uncles bed I felt his twelve gage shotgun and knew that when the basturd that had tourtured Rave busted in that door I would shoot him. Or at least try to, A sudden shap creaking sound or freashly snapped wood  let me know he busted the door. One step, two step, three, there, Springing up the shotgun on my shoulder I aimed at his masked face gracfully slipping out of the bed I followed him step for step as he retreated. I hearded him to the window because I didnt really want to kill him in the house. Yes, my mind was in five places at once and the mess the blood would make was on my mind. Pulling the trigger nothing happened and the figure started to laugh, the shotgun wasnt loaded, before he realized it I spun the gun in my hands and slammed the butt of the gun in to his chest sending him flying out the two story window crashing through the oak tree and into the roses bushes below.

Runing to the office I dialed 911, "What is your emergancy?" the almost robatic voice of the operater asked, I was choking on my fear and couldnt talk, "Exceuse me, What is your emergancy?" her voice was more human and worried, "Miss?" she asked after I gurgled slightly.

"The person who is stalking and killing young girls was in my house and I pushed him out the window I think he is dead but Im not sure":I finally say curling in a ball in the corner hastily plugging shells into the shotgun as I sat in a corner incase he pulled a Micheal Myers and came back. The operater went throught the basic lines to keep me calm as the police came, I was hyperventalating. My Uncle showed up when the police did, "Im sorry He speed up! Its two weeks of single flowers, one week of dozens and three days of favorite colored items two days of jewels,one day of rest then your gone!" I cry to the police about the normal and now well known pattern. "But I had like a week of single fowers, a dozen roses and a ruby just today then he showed up!" Im hystrical but in the back of my mind I knew I did good. I had survived.

The police were worried about the escalated pattern, they were also confused when they couldnt find his body, "Its obvious he went through the window" "Tore up the tree good" "Smashed the roses" I could hear three diffrent voices say to each other. My cheeks were tear stained, my cell phone which my unle had gotten from my room vibarated in my hand. An unknown number had sent a message.

"Your smooth, silk like cheeks are beautiful when you cry. They look like tear stained petals and I cant wait to see blood and my own seed staining those cheeks instead"

Screaming I threw my phone and the officers ran in, picking it up the grimmced. Yeah he was alive and still willing to torture me. Maybe even more so now. "Its ok..Its ok" My unlce whispered in my ear as I sobbed. Sighing I calmed down and looked striaght ahead, he would not break me. "Theres my girl, strong just like her momma" He cooed in my ear and I smiled up at him. I would survive this and I would not break to a psycho.

 Walking into my room with an escort I packed up some clothes and went outside to wait for my uncle, "Ready?" He asked and I nodded, I couldnt believe I was leaving the house I grew up in. Hopefully it would only be for a few weeks, the police have special housing for victims of the girls families set up, it was said to be safe but I still shivered. I couldnt believe I survived.

For weeks I refused to go to school, see my friends or talk to anyone, I over heard my docter tell Uncle it was shock, I would survive just give me time.

"Uncle?" I called into my empty house when I fully awoke from the thick fog, padding through the small house I smelt the coppery tang of blood, crouching low I kept my eyes searching for my Uncle, I found him and two other dead bodies in the middle of the floor of the house. Screaming one of the neighbors came to me and called 911 I couldnt believe it, he had killed my uncle. The other two bodies were Maggie Small, a girl who had gone missing months before Rave, Maggie had a scarred smile carved into her cheeks like the Joker and then Tazemin Ki. I was dumbfounded by her but the note carved into my Uncles chest explianed it.

Thought you could get away? You cant sweet sweet Juniper, while I was bored I had to find a new play thing, isnt she pretty? And Maggie, Poor Maggie...I was going to let her live until but she said I was a sick basturd and that I deserved what you gave me. Well, your uncle has stoped screaming and you have yet to wake, not much fun dear. Wish I could see your face when you wake but too bad. ~Your Loving Stalker

Crying harder and harder I stopped suddenly, "Im going to school tomorrow" I told the police and they stared at me in shock. "I cant give up just because so sick basterd is trying to make me." I expliand and walk once agian to pack up my things. I was to stay at the station because at least there, I would be safe.

***Stalker's POV***

I couldnt believe she had slammed the butt of the gun agianst me and no matter how many times I think about It I still cant, I mean. Who would have thought cute little Juniper could harm anyone? I was luckey Sis was waiting in the car or else I would have been stuck in that bush and my game would have ended to quick.

Tazemin was fun to play with but she broke so easily and It was no fun after that, I mean, who wants to be thrusting into that chubby body and not have tears floating down her face? Or to chain her to a wall and whip her only to have a small whimper leave her lips? I broke her to quickly and not even father would have wanted her.

"You made a mess!" He scolded me, the cute little girl perched on his lap, she looked like a doll only her scared eyes and tears told that she was indeed alive and real. "You broke your own pattern, you were pushed out a window! While she was still recovering from shock you went dropped off two bodies, one of each was a favorite toy of mine and carved a letter into her Uncles chest?!" His voice kept getting louder and when it did his hand would tighten around the Doll's neck.

SIghing, I stood up and picked her up gently. SHe was a baby and honeslty shouldnt be treated like a toy. "You were hurting her, and I know but who would guess me? I mean no one guessed you and when you were young you made pretty bad mistakes." I said and father smirked, he nodded and waited for him to give back the girl. He lips had been showen shut and I knew that later she would become like one and be chained to a wall, bloody, gross, and her eyes and lips sealed off. "Shes a baby father, she could be one of us" I said, I detasted his taste in little girls. It happened after we moved, I think its the reason we moved, he needed a new hunting ground for his new peferance.

Waving me off he grabbed the girl and started to touch her inappropritely and I gagged in my mouth and rushed from the room, Oddly Sis watched inthralled and I turned away disgusted. Going down staries to make sure the cell would be ok I notice the two new lumps had yet to be played with and were chaied tightly to the wall. THey couldnt move more then a foot and coult reach each other, even with Juniper in here it would be fine I just would make sure her chain stopped a foot or two away from them.

"Hello Boys!" I say chipperly and watch them cringe, their handsome faces drawn up in a frown. THey looked angry and I knew that given the chance they would hurt me, they would hurt all of us. Whistling happily I wandered into Sis's personal cell and kicked the lump. "Hey" I said and crouched down to his level, rolling over he glared up at me. His silver eyes filled with hate, honestly if not for him and how smart 22 was I would have taken a little more time 'seducing' her but she showed up her and demanded to see him. When she refused to leave I asked if she told anyone she was coming her, nope, so I took her right then. He never knew, to bad to she loved him so much, so did Juniper.

I had heard from the group that Juniper had blocked him out of her thoughts, if you ask her she never had a brother. No one brings him up because its better for her that way, but I hopped sis would keep him alive, I want her to seem him like this. "Your sisters next" ANd he jerked agianst his bounds trying to yell at me but Sis had left the dirty ball gag in his mouth. "See you later Fern"


Sorry guys, Un edited :(

But!! Who did you like the surprise?? Juniper has a brother she forgot about!!! 3;)

ANd im sorry for the late post :(

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2012 ⏰

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