The Same Guy

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"He's really handsome."
"What could his name be?"
"Oh, he looked here."

I firmly closed my eyes and tried my best to focus my whole attention (and hearing) to the priest in front who was now giving us his homily, but it seems that the group of girls behind us didn't have any plans to shut up as they kept on talking about the altar server who was also sitting in front, by the sidelines. I took in a deep breath and tried my best to calm myself.

Calm yourself down, Mika. Just ignore them and listen to the priest. You're inside the church, so say no to evil thoughts, okay?

I took another deep breath before I opened my eyes, it immediately went to him who was calmly, and seriously sitting on the side, just focusing on the priest and to what he was suppose to do next. When he noticed that the priest was about to finish his homily, he stood up from his seat and walk towards the door that was next to his chair, and disappeared inside.

"Aw, he's gone inside."
"Don't worry, he'll come out later."

Seriously? Are they really serious about this?

I can't help but think; did they just come here to the church just to look at that guy?

I mean, I'm not going lie, with those chinky eyes, perfect jawline, pointed nose, and white skin, it's no doubt that he really has the looks. But this is a church, the priest is having a mass, and we are supposed to participate and pray, not stare at an altar server who is helping the priest.

It seems like my mother noticed me heaving another sigh that she turned to look at me, "Mika, are you alright? You've been sighing since the homily started." She asked as she held my hand.

I just shook my head to my mother before giving her a reassuring smile, "Are you sure?" I nodded at her and slightly squeezed her hand, before she turned her attention back to priest.

The homily ended and all of us stood up for the "Prayers of the Faithful", I heard the girls giggling at the back, making me turn my head to them slightly. They were lightly pushing and pulling each other as they looked in front, and it was obvious on whom they are looking at. He was back on his position; possibly, he had finished preparing everything that priest would need after.

It took every ounce of my will to stop myself from rolling my eyes; I really should stop paying attention to him. If I continue to do this, it's like I'm no different from the girls behind me. So with every thing that I got, I focused on the priest and the mass. I saw a glimpse of him every time he walks to the priest to assist him just like he always do, and I would hear another round of murmurs from behind me.

A few minutes after, the mass soon ended. Every one went to the altar to have the priest's blessing; the others went to the statue and images to pray, while the others greeted the people that they didn't expect to see on the same day. I linked my arm with my mother's as she walked the aisle going out of the church, so we won't be separated from each other.

My mother turned to me, "Mika, your aunt is asking us to your grandmother's house. She said she sent a package there for you." My mother informed me.

I just nodded at her, and she returned her attention to the front. I adjusted my glasses and looked around to search for our car, when my eyes landed on him.

He was wearing a white tee, and black slacks; his white surplice hanging on his left arm as he brushed his hair up with his hand. He turned his head, left and right, as if he's looking for someone, he was waiting for someone. When he turned his head once again, he met my eyes and that's when I noticed that I was already staring at him.

It's YouOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora