Chapter 8- Not Bad

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I smiled to myself at the thought of getting to see The Beatles preform together. This can't be real, this is amazing.

After about 15 minutes of smiling like an idiot, I saw four handsome men with clean gray suits walk into the room. They all stood in a row in front of me, with a coincided look. I rolled my eyes and laughed.

"How do we look, then?" Paul said, winking out me. I giggled. "Not bad." I said, smiling at Paul. "Heh, why thank you, miss." Ringo said, fixing his black tie. Suddenly, we heard the hotel door room open. 

"Boys? Are you ready yet?" We heard Brian say from the other room. "Yes we're coming, Brian." George said as Brian walked into the room. Brian nodded his head to greet me. "Good morning, Ally. How do you do?" he said, smiling at me. "It's Alice, sir. And I'm doing just great, thank you." I said smiling back at him. Brian looked over to the boys again. "Very nice suits, boys. Let's get going, it's already 2:00 and we are late." 

Paul walked over to me and held out his hand for me to grab. "Let's go, love. We have to get down to the cars before the girls find us." he said, staring into my blue eyes. I grabbed his hand and sat up from the couch. 

Brian lead the way out of the hotel. We all followed, as I was holding Paul's hand, so I wouldn't get lost. We walked down to the lobby, and looked out of the glass doors that lead the way out of the hotel. All we saw were girls. Screaming girls.

"Looks like they know when we are coming." John said, giggling to himself. Brian walked over to the hotel manager and asked for police officers to clear the girls for them. The manager agreed, and called security. 

"Okay, men I need you to block these girls from these boys," the hotel manager said to the big security officers,"You see, they are The Beatles and need to get to their concert. They are late." The officers obeyed, and walked outside to block the girls. We sighed in relief. 

"Oh, thank God." I said, still holding onto Paul's hand. I could even feel my hand getting sweaty. I let go of his hand and wiped my hand on my dress. "Is something wrong, love?" Paul said, looking worried. I giggled. "No, silly, my hand was just getting sweaty, that's all." I said, grabbing back onto his hand. Paul smiled back at me.

As soon as all the girls were rounded up, Brian held out the door for us. Me and the boys ran out of the doors with Brian behind us. I could see the same black Cadillac that was there from yesterday. 

The driver quickly opened the car doors for us and we all slid in the car as fast as possible. George was on the right side,John inbetween Paul and George, Paul was in the middle, I was on the left, and  Ringo was in the passenger's seat. I looked down to see how close Paul was to me. I mean, he was really close. I looked up to see his brown eyes hypnotizing mine. "Are you not comfortable, love? Because I can make George scoot over more-" "Oh, no, I can't go any further. You're just really close to Alice by choice." George interrupted while patting Paul on the back, giving him a big grin. "Oh, shutup, George." Paul said, gently hitting George's shoulder.

"No, I'm perfectly fine like this." I said, ignoring George's comment. Paul nodded and smiled. I smiled back and put my seat belt on. "Everyone buckled in?" the driver said as he started the engine. We all said yes, and we started driving away from the screaming girls.

We were half way there, when I heard a loud ringing in my ear. I covered my ear with my hand and gave a look that I was in pain. Paul looked over to me. "Are you okay? Is something wrong with your ear?" he said. I turned to him and saw a worried look on his face. This made me giggle. "Ha, I'm fine, Paul. Just, I think the screaming made me deaf a bit." I heard John laugh from the other side of the car. "You'll get used to it. We all did." he said, while still laughing. 

I chuckled and turned to look outside my window to see us pulling up into a driveway. There was a large building and we were in the back of it. "Where are we?" I asked, still looking out my window. "We are in London, love. This is where our concert is, but we are in the back so the girls don't kill us." I heard John say from behind me. "Interesting." I said, silently giggling.

"Okay lads, we are here. I'll be back in a hour to pick you up and drop you off at your hotels. Your instruments are in the back." the driver said to us. We all thanked him and got out of the car. I saw Brian's car behind us as he got out of his car. 

"Okay boys let's hurry, we are 30 minutes late. The girls aren't going to be very happy." Brian said, opening the trunk of our car and taking out their guitars and Paul's bass. The boys grabbed their instruments and headed to the door that said, "Exit". I stood there, watching them, wondering what I was going to do.

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