Masa ~ No Words Needed

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I'm a quiet person, and I mean quiet. You see, I'm not particularly shy or anything like that. I'm deaf. I'm in my early 20's, but I lost my hearing when I was in grade 5. A friend's headphone exploded in my ears as I was listening to a song. It wasn't serious deafness, but I was over the average deafness by a little. The doctors said that it may not be permanent, but the healing may take up to years. I still know how to write and read, which is good. If I want to communicate, I would just take out my notebook that I carry with me , and communicate through that. I rarely speak because what's the point? I can't hear my own voice. I don't let my loss of hearing prevent me from slowing down in life, but it does annoy me at times, nothing else though. Even with all of that, I didn't want to get hearing aids, because I was confident that I was going to regain my hearing. I like to go to stores and if there are sections where people can listen to music, I would 'listen" to songs. Although I can't hear anything, I enjoy the feeling. I feel as if I can hear again, and sometimes let my imagination compose out the song and what it could sound like. One sunny day, I decided to take a walk in the busy city. I walked further than I usually do on daily basis. I went into a street lined with stores. I smiled as I looked at all of them, then I saw a music store. I went in and I was amazed. It was a big store, with a few people looking around. Rows of tall racks filled with cds and records lined perfectly in the middle of the room. The walls hunged with records and cd's lined up perfectly on the shelves. I was mesmerized, I went up to the front desk, it was a middle aged man around 30-40 years old. I gave him a sign of "Hello" and took out my notebook. I saw his mouth move but I couldn't hear anything. I wrote down in the pages.

"Excuse me, I was wondering, do you by chance have a section for listening to demo music?"

He smiled and nodded, he then pointed to the back of the room. I smiled and signed a "Thank you." As I began to walk away, the store's door opened, unfortunately I didn't hear it. 5 young men around their mid to late 20's walked in talking and looking around. I didn't go to the demo area first, I went to the rows of cd's and records to take a look around.

"Hey Mr. B, it's been a while." One of the young man said.

"Indeed Hiro, glad to see you boys again. You here to buy some music?" Mr. B asked.

"Probably, but first, we're going to take a look around." Another young man said with grayish white hair with big eyes.

"Do you have any new stocks this week Mr. B?" A purple grayish haired man asked.

"Of course, lots Masa. They're in the back section over there. Go nuts." Mr. B laughed.

"Thanks Mr. B." Masa said and walked towards the back.

"We'll go stroll around now." The remaining two black haired man said.

Soon all 5 of the men were in different areas of the big store. I was looking at a cd from the early 2000's, I was in my own world practically, I couldn't hear anything, and the tall racks prevented me from looking in front of me, unless I take a cd or record off it's rack, then I can see the other side. Occasionally there would be big gaps between the racks, since they were lined up side by side. I looked up from the cd towards the left. I saw two black haired men talking and looking at records on the other side of the room. In the corner was a grayish blonde boy stringing a guitar that was against a wall. Another one with a styled black hair was sitting in a chair listening to a cd demo, and mouthing to what I assume were the lyrics. I smiled. I walked a little further into the the section that I was in, I stopped in front of a record and took it off the shelf. I looked at it and admired the cover image. I smiled and looked up, through the empty space of the rack where the record was, I saw another young man. He was looking at a cd, he had purple grayish- hair, mid to late 20's, defined facial structure, a Japanese face, and beautiful dark brown eyes. He looked up from the cd and saw me through the space. Our eyes met, and I was captivated by his appearance. We looked at each other for about 2 seconds, he broke the gaze first with a smile. My face started turning red, but I gave a small smile in return. I quickly placed the record back onto the rack, and walked into another section. My heart was beating fast, but I calmed myself down soon after.

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