Daichi ~ To The One You Love, You're Perfect

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I'm a what you call, tomboy, well I suppose just the personality side only, I still dress pretty decently as a girl , but personality is more on the tough side. When I was younger, other girls would always say I'm like a boy and some of my friend's parents said that I was tough as a boy. I suppose that's the nicer way of saying "you should act more like a girl and more feminine." They wanted me tone it down a bit, but what can I do? I'm me. Don't get me wrong though, I still like accessories and stuff, but not as much as other girls. It's just who I am I suppose, all of my friends know that, as we got older they will tease me at times, but they love me anyway. I have a bunch of friends who I would hang out with a lot on the weekends, the mall is always a place on our "to do list" They would drag me into clothing shops with them, then after a while I would get bored. I'll just then sit down somewhere and wait for them. One day, 3 of my friends and I went to the mall, one of them had something she had to get for a party and needed our suggestions.

"Hey_______ want to help me pick out a dress?" My friend Hana asked.

"Have you forgot Hana? _______ yawns when it comes to dresses and clothes, I think it's better if we let her explore her things. What do you think?" My other friend Riley said with a laugh.

"Ya you three go ahead, I'll just get a slushie or something and wait for you guys. Cool?" I said with a laugh.

"Alright, we'll text you when we're done." My other friend Linda said.

I gave them a thumbs up and then rushed down the mall and turned a corner.

"Wow, here I am alone once more, oh well, guess I'll just explore then." I said to myself.

For some reason, I really wanted to get a hat lately, guess it's just an urge or something. After a few minutes of walking in the mall, I turned towards a clothing shop and something caught my attention.

"Wow! Look at that flared fedora! I want it!" I said.

The fedora that I saw is black and it seem to be worn by a mannequin that was facing the opposite direction of me. I ran into the shop and stopped in front of the mannequin.

"This fedora is absolutely gorgeous, I would love to buy it." I said with a smile.

I reached up and gently took the fedora off of the seemingly quite tall mannequin and placed it onto my own head. I smiled and gave a small laugh.

"It fits perfectly!" I said with a woot.

I opened my eyes and saw the mannequin turn around, and did it scare me.

"Sorry, but this fedora is not for sale." A soft but low voice spoke.

I looked up and saw what I thought was a mannequin looking at me with big eyes. I took a step back and I tripped on the edge of a clothing rack. I began to fall backwards and I was trying to grab something to hold onto. The person grabbed my arm and pulled me back quickly into them. I landed into their chest softly, their chest was hard and firm. I looked up at the person. The person has an asian feature, very elegant. They had medium length sheer black hair that covered a bit of their face, it was curled lightly. The person's skin was porcelain white and it was flawless, their eyes were big and bright with heavy makeup around their eyes, but at the same time seemed natural and light. It felt a bit weird actually, their chest is hard and flat, but the person is a beautiful young woman. The outfit that the person was wearing were black and it's male clothes but with a slight of feminine look to them. I must be scared out of my mind.

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