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Bandit POV.

"Dad?...." "Hey kiddo. I just want a little bit of your time. I asked the security guard to bring you back here." All of the things that could happen to me this is one of them. My DAD is JEFFREY FRICKEN NERO HARDY!! I feel like my head is about it explode. My eyes shut just a little....and a little more....until everything goes black.

Jeff POV.

Bandit starts to talk a little until her eyelids start to close very slowly until she blacks out. Me and Dana quickly grab her and take her to the doctors. As she lays down on the bed I just stare at Dana and Bandit. " She really loves you. Even though I never told her you were her father. You and Matt are her favorite. " " I don't want to not be with you and her. I miss you very much. I know I fucked up badly but I still hurt. You may not want to be with me but I want to see if I can start over. I missed to much of her life. I missed to much of not being with you darlin' and I don't wanna have to miss anymore of it. So will you let me try again?"

"I guess I can try...."

The Lost One - Jeff Hardy FanficWhere stories live. Discover now