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Eduardo yawned and stretched an arm over the back of their couch, it was well worn in, and with the two of them on it, the plush surface was rather cozy. It was dark outside by the time their movie had started, "all the damn credits." Was the grumbled excuse heard from Eduardo; but, really, the atmosphere was perfect for his date. Warmth. Dark. And a flicker of light echoing off of the t.v. screen. Not to mention the amount of affection the two on the couch had held for eachother these past few months now.

   Eduardo glanced down at the toothpick shyly leaning against him and grinned that shit-eating grin he seemed to just carry around in his front pocket. Tom met his glance and pushed away from him immediately, as if he no longer knew the man, but his cheeks shown different light on the situation as they were flushed red- not that it was very to see that from the limited light the movie put off. Eduardo laughed a bit and pulled him back, seeing the error in his ways but wanting to pull it off as another prideful charade of suaveness. "Ey, come on! Its fine Tom- Really!" He sounded, making Tom begrudgingly nuzzle back down against his muscular body to enjoy their film but not without grunbling about how his date was an asshole.
    Near the mid of the film the slasher-gasher-horror really seemed to be picking up. Blood spattered across the camera lense as the genocidal maniac diced his victims into mince meat, and teenage girls screamed out as they were stabbed repeatedly. This was all no big deal for Eduardo, why would it be? It was either he was pretty tough or this was yet another one of the walls he puts up against others so he could keep his pride intact. Tom however was quivering, absolutely shaking in his boots at each murder! He couldn't help it, though he had a good mask of his own it never held through during slasher movies.

    Eduardo could feel the gentle vibration of Tom's spine, hear the chatter of his teeth, and practically smell the adrenaline darting through his blood and so he lifted the remote and turned off the t.v. surrounding the two in darkness to just feel the warmth and quiet- well the small amount of quiet because as soon as the light source had been stolen from tom he was banging on Eduardo's chest like a drum and almost begging more than demanding that he turn the lights on. Eduardo however refused and just held him to his chest, he wanted to be the one to comfort his boyfriend and he wouldn't let some stickin' night light type fixation take that away from him.

Tom, after about a quarter of an hour, was calm- well- mostly calm; he was still cursing at Eduardo for not just having turned on the light, but even being free in his arms he made no moves to turn the t.v. back on. He just lay there with Eduardo and breathed in his scent rather peacefully. Being unable to see, Eduardo felt for his face, finding one hand on his waist and the other on Tom's cheek he gave him a kiss- their first kiss.

Tom was in more than just a little shock, he couldn't move, he didn't move for what felt like centuries of time. Eduardo's lips were soft like velvet but the tickle from his upper lip still managed to find its way into the sensation, his tounge moved smoothly and his head tilted at just the right angle. The kiss was just so perfect that he wished he could see his boyfriend's face.

"Hey... Hey Eddie?" Tom started.

"Yeah, Tom?" Eduardo responded immediately he was worried he had upset the other man.

"Could you... could you turn on the lights now?" He asked quietly, almost bashfully and out of character for him.

Eduardo did as he was told and flicked on a lamp, he was finally able to look at just how flustered Tom was, and the same for Tom seeing Eduardo. They were two of a pair right now and as they gazed at one another their lips met again, eyes sliding shut and bodies relaxing against eachother until the only sound in the entire house was the sound of their pounding heartbeats. Eduardo couldn't help but just lean back into the arm of the couch, arms sliding down to Tom's hips and rubbing them throughout their lip lock.

Tom pulled back but it was only to get a breath before he dove right back into kissing him, it was more passionate this time and the dim, yellow, lighting from the olden bulb in the lamp beside the couch definitely helped their mood. This time Tom pulled back for a longer amount of time, he pulled back to say somthing, he puled back to ask somthing, to demand somthing. "Eduardo.... ? Fuck me." He answered, which completely crumbled to peices Eduardo's facade of confidence for a moment. Once he had a bit of time to collect himself he nodded and pulled Tom back down into their kiss.

Eduardo broke the kiss, but kept close to his face as they undressed. "You'll uh- you'll have to be quiet. Jon and Mark are upstairs asleep and i don't wanna be gettin teased for this tomorrow." He warned, shimmying his pants down and them returning to his laying positiom on the couch, heas leaned back against the arm of the couch, belly up. Tom, when undressed lay utop him, not hard yet but definitely getting there. Eduardo however was hard as stee, those words Tom had whispered to him not moments ago were bone chilling and had already gotten him to where he needed to be.

Tom scooted up until his knees rested above Eduardo's shoulders, mouth just crotch level. Tom, for seeming so frightened earlier definitely did not seem scared anymore. He looked strong, confident, and demanding. Eduardo, taken back by this took a submissive role and began sucking off his partner, starting slow by just giving his cock a few stray licks before taking the head into his mouth, careful of his teeth. Eduardo only played around for a few moments before he had noticed his partner's stiffness and moved  to sit up and turn Tom over in his lap. "Where do you get off being so forceful with me?  I'm in charge okay kitten?" He said strickly and then without warning brought down a large hand across Tom's ass, leaving a red mark and making Tom squeal out loudly.

Eduardo did this a few more times before he turned him over on the couch to pin him down, the look in Tom's eyes was eaten up quickly but Eduardo was still starved for more and so he spit in his hand, rubbing his throbbing member a few times before teasingly slowly sliding it into his prey of choice. He refused to move though until Tom was comfortable, wiping tears from his eyes he would wait until he was signaled to move- he wasn't a monster. Sure his lust could take the best of him sometimes but he wanted his partner to enjoy his first time with him. Not to mention he needed to adjust as well, Tom was painstakingly tight almost as if he were clenching, but by the relaxed look on Tom's face, Eduardo knew he wasn't. 

Tom looked him straight in the eyes and nodded; the thrusting then began and their noises rang through the house, though Eduardo's were quiet grunts until the end, Tom's were loud moans and screams as if he was purposefully trying to embarrass his now lover.

Eduardo could feel heat pooling in his stomach and so he gripped tighter to Tom's thighs, rocking against him until the sound of slapping skin was louder than Tom's own yells of warning. Soon he spilled over the edge and pulled out, white falling over his partner like snow all over his stomach chest and some of his face. Tom licked his lips through his panting and merely grinned up at his assailant.

"Gonna clean me up now mr. Large and in charge?" Tom teased, to which Eduardo laughed and shook his head, standing on shaky legs. "You know where the bathroom is Tommie boy." He was joking of course, lifting his partner into his arms and carrying him up to the bathroom for a nice bath, completely forgetting their would be a mess on the couch to clean up sooner rather than later. They bathed together and then rested in Eduardo's room for the remainder of their night. What a nice date.

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