Chapter 18: What the H*ll

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Finally. It's 9. I run downstairs and yell goodbye to my parents who are in the other room. They don't really care where I'm going anymore. My older brothers are in college and they've nearly seen it all already. I walk out to my blue Ford F-150. Oh yeah I'm a truck girl. My phone automatically connects to my truck and "Kickin Up Mud" comes on. I laugh and jam to the joke of a song and before I know it I'm at Grace's house. Tonight is about to be wild.

I walk up to her mansion and open the door. We've been friends for years and just walk into each other's houses. I head to the back of the house where the bar and lounge are. Grace and two of her other friends are already sipping out of their red solo cups and the different drinks and mixes are sprawled out on the table.

"K my ladayyyyy" Grace says as she stumbles over to me. Looks like she's already a few drinks in.
"Hey girl!"
"Come on you've gotta catch up!" Christina (one of her friends) yells as she holds a shot glass up in the air towards me. I walk over and take it from her. She grabs another one and we clank glasses.
I down it.
"1 down... how many to go? Ah. Who knows!"
We laugh and do another round.
I look at the drink table and find cherry juice, sprite, and vodka and combine them. My favorite drink! I pour three or four shots in and mix it with a little sprite and cherry juice. It's gone in a short amount of time.
I get up to go pee and stumble towards the bathroom. Before I know it we're all stunning outside to catch the Uber, and we're on our way to Zach's house.

We all run up to the door and nearly fall over. As soon as we open the door Christina runs to the bathroom and Grace's other friend goes with her. Grace and I head for the dance floor. "Every time We Touch" by Cascada is blaring and the lights are flashing. I'm having the time of my life and I feel someone moving behind me. Naturally I started grinding on him a bit. I feel his hands move onto my hips. I was really enjoying it to be honest.

"I'm glad you made it." A voice whispers in my ear.

Normally I'd freak but honestly I'm to drunk to care.

"Hey cutie" I say, mocking his text from earlier.
"You look hot" he says. I just continue dancing.
We dance for a while and then I get tired. The vodka sunk in a little more and I got dizzy. I needed some water.
"Where's the liquid water?" I mumble to Zach.
"Are you ok?" He asks
"Yes. I'm fine. Just errr need wa-water."

He puts his arm around me and guides me to the kitchen. I can tell he isn't sober either. But he's not as drunk as I am. We find water and I sit in his fairly quiet kitchen. It must be the one on the other side of his house because the other one has all the drinks in it.

"You good babe?" He asks.
"Yes thank you."
He leans up against his fridge and watches me drink silently. I don't even care I just focus on how clean and delicious the water tastes. Soon my cup is empty and I get up to put it in the sink. I walk towards it and stumble a little. As I put the cup in the sink I feel two hands come around from behind and hug me around my waist. Aww.

I turn around and press my lips up against his. Damn he's a good kisser. He moves his hands down my back. I was enjoying it... surprisingly. I wasn't worried about anything. Everything seemed perfect. Zach and Katie. Katie and Zach. Cute.

"Hey man we're out of beer..." I hear a familiar voice entering the kitchen.

It's Aspen.

We stop kissing and look over to see a very pissed Aspen storm away. Eh. What the hell he's an asshole anyways. I turn back to Zach and see a sad look on his face.

"I'm sorry." He says. "I can't do this to my best friend."

I look down disappointedly and nod.
"I'll be right back" He says.

I sit on a barstool for a few minutes. But I'm impatient and tired so I walk around and look for a place to crash for a minute. Wow time flies. It was already 4 AM! I find the first door on the right and crash on the bed without taking in much of my surroundings.

At around 4:30 I here the door open but I'm too tired to move. My eyes close again and I doze off into a dreamless sleep.

In the morning I wake up to a light pressure on my back. I open my eyes and see that I am not in my room. I glance at the posters on the wall and finally realize who's room it is. Oh no...

I feel the bed move and hear someone take a deep breathe. I quickly get up.

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