Chapter 24

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Thanksgiving Morning

Can I say how relieve I feel now that I have told my wife what actually happened between Foxy and I. I know I should have told her sooner but I just didn't know how. I honestly never thought about what happened between Foxy and I until she tried bringing it up during the time we were having lunch.

I hate thinking about it so I vowed to myself to never speak of it. It's embarrassing if you ask me. To know a person, I called my friend, my sister, waited until I was super drunk and pretended to be someone else so that she could have sex with me is fucked up and twisted.

And yeah I know Foxy didn't deserve my forgiveness but neither did Quincy when he pulled that gun out on me acting like he was tough tony in front of Stephanie to make it seem like he was going to shoot me over some bitch.

But me being me, I believe in forgiveness and second chances and when I got that letter from Fox saying she lost her hearing do to some girls jumping her, I instantly felt terrible and wanted to be there for her. 

I put my disdain for what she did to me to the side just to be there for her. It honestly helped because I blocked that memory from my mind, but the moment I met Bey and fell for her is when I realized I had to let all the toxic people out of my life. I had to let go of the hoes, the single lifestyle and everything else in order to have a healthy and strong relationship with her. 

Yeah Foxy bitched and moan about how I was being unfair and that my new girl wouldn't even be around that long so there wasn't a point to drop her as a friend. But what Foxy didn't understand that Bey helped me grow into a better man so I had to do what was best and give her 100 in this relationship and not half ass it.

"Daddy, daddy!" I heard my name being called breaking me from my thoughts. Blue had run into my room with the biggest smile on her face. "Look what grandma bought for me." She held the item up with that big smile still on her face.

"Nail art set" I read the title aloud.

"Yup, I can paint my nails any color I want and put all kinds of pretty stickers and designs on it. Can you open it and play nail salon with me?" I looked up at her wanting to tell her that was a no for me, but how can I say such a word to a beautiful pouting face.

"Aight, lefty I'll play with you, but this is only a onetime thing."

She cheered loudly and placed a kiss on my cheek, "Thank you, daddy." She handed me the box and began to tell me how she wanted to paint my nails blue since I was boy and how I had to paint her nails pink since it was her favorite color.

I swear only my baby girl can take me out my comfort zone and do things that would make other men question my manhood. But their opinions would never matter to me though.


"Nigga are your nails blue?" Quincy asked with his face all twisted up. I was walking downstairs to make my way to find everyone while he was coming through my front door.

"You can see right? You ain't color blind." I guess that tickled his soul because his dumb self start laughing so hard.

"Yo, does losing your manhood come with being a dad? The hell you let the kids play like you that." I just rolled my eyes not even entertaining him. Just like he doesn't understand marriage, I doubt he would understand being a father and things we gotta do to make our children happy.

The aroma of thanksgiving food hit me dead in the face as soon as I step foot in the kitchen. The women in my life didn't pay me any attention as they gossip and cooked away. My mom and Ms. Tina was by the island cutting up the vegetables to put in the dressing, Nicole was cutting up the sweet potatoes and my beautiful wife was by the stove cooking the greens. 

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