Chapter 33

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December 7, 2028

Glancing up from my phone, I looked between Shawn and Lexi and laughed to myself. The both of them looked so miserable. We were currently in the waiting area of Dr. Winfrey's office, waiting for our appointments. The morning after Shawn's birthday I was able to get in touch with her. After being entirely booked for November I was surprise for her openings in December.

But nevertheless, I quickly scheduled not only an appointment for Shawn but also for Lexi and me. She may have thought I forgot but I didn't. We still need a bit of help getting to the root of our problems.

"You two could at least look happy." I said to them. They both looked at me and in sync rolled their eyes.

"There is nothing happy about going to therapy. I always feel more depress than how I actually feel when I leave here."

"Now you're lying because if that was the case you would still frequently be seeing her." She doesn't need to front she know therapy helped her with her postpartum depression.

"Well I'm fine now and don't need to be here. When you told me, I didn't have to go to school today I thought we were going to have some fun." All I did was shrug my shoulders. Lexi can complain all she wants, but it's not going to change anything.

I looked over at Shawn, he wasn't saying anything. I know he doesn't want to be here at all and just agreed to this session to shut me up. I don't want to force him to speak on the situation, but it can help him so much and hopefully this first session will show him that.

I turned my focus back to my phone and noticed I had a notification. I had it on silent so that I wouldn't disturb anyone in the building plus I didn't want to be interrupted during Lexi and I session. I couldn't help but to roll my eyes though when I read the message.

Logan: Hey are you busy right now? I called your office, and no one picked up.

"Mrs. Carter and Ms. Roger." The receptionist called our names. I purposely left Logan on read and put my phone in my purse. Both Lexi and I got up from our seats to let it be known we were here.

The receptionist greeted us with a smile and let us know Dr. Winfrey was ready for us.

"We shouldn't be gone that long." I promised Shawn who wasn't paying us any attention. He gave me a slight head nod as his focus remained on his phone.

Not wanting to repeat myself I just let the receptionist know she could walk us to the office.

The moment we walked in, we were meet with the biggest smile that was so contagious that I couldn't help but to show case a wide grin on my face.

"Well isn't it my favorite mother and daughter duo

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"Well isn't it my favorite mother and daughter duo. How have you guys been?" Dr. Winfrey gave each one of us one of those great auntie hugs.

"I've been great, how have you been?" I asked her as we let each other go.

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