Secret Santa

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A/n Buckle up this is gonna be a lot;)(


The party was tonight. I was really hoping Wyatt will come since he said he might not be able to. But he seemed pretty excited on the way home from school so I'm sure he's thinking about it.
I pulled out my phone and scrolled through my notifications. I saw a text from Sophia.
"Hey! Really hope you can make it! I'd love it if you were there😉😊"
I chuckled slightly at the text and reply.
"Well then I guess it's your lucky day! I'll be there😉"
Was I trying to flirt? I honestly had no idea.
Suddenly my mom peek her head through my door which was ajar.
"Hey honey, can I talk to you?" I froze. That couldn't have been good.
"Uh, Yeah, sure." I said. My voice was shaky from being nervous.
"Ah, relax, Denny. I'm just gonna talk to you about that nice girl at church!" She said. Denny was my mom's personal nickname for me. Most people called me Jae, or Jae-bae. But she wanted to be different. She used the last letters of my name to make it. Den, or Denny.
"Oh ok." I say. A feeling of relief washes over me.
"So, I invited her and her family over for dinner on tomorrow night!" I smiled.
"Sounds great! But why?"
"Oh, because I don't know she's a nice girl and I think you'll like her if you get to know her." I thought a minute. Was my mom seriously trying to set me up with someone? Weird.
"Ok, well, thank you for being so thoughtful. She does seem nice." She smiles.
"Well, hurry up the party is in an hour." Oh right.
I get up and go to my closet. I push passed the clothes looking for an outfit. I decide to wear a grey jumper and some black skinny jeans with holes in the knees. I grab my black vans and run downstairs.
Once I get down there I check the clock. I still had thirty minutes. My mom was in her room so I went to the living room and watched Naruto for the remaining time.
"Alright, Jae!" I hear my mom coming out of her room. I press the power button to turn off the tv then walk with her to the kitchen.
"Ok. Grab the secret Santa gifts on the island and then we'll go." I nodded, picking up the small packages that lay on the island.

• • •

I was so nervous for the party. I'm very introverted so I rarely go to things like this. I was just glad Jaeden was going so I could see him again. We had to bring a gift that was $20 or less. Of course, me being me , forgot a gift. I decided that I would just sit out of the game then join in when they were done.
I slipped on my black beat up converse and headed out the door. My mom was waiting in the car. She was so sucked into her phone that when I got in the car, she didn't even look up.
My mom's job revolves around her phone so she's not ignoring me on purpose.....

The car came to a stop causing me to look up and around. My mom put the car in park then took her keys out. Implying it was time to go inside.
I didn't want to.
I have major anxiety and ptsd of public places. Especially parties.
But it was a church party with adult chaperones so nothing too crazy could happen.
We get to the door and I open it slowly, nervously looking around for Jaeden. But he was no where to be found. I found that pretty odd considering he's the pastor's son. I really hope he comes.


Me and my mom arrive at the church. I instantly see Christmas lights on the windows and a huge Christmas tree in the lobby. I was so excited. One reason was because I could see Wyatt again. Another reason is because, well, it's a party.
I see Wyatt walk through the front door. My heart flutters. Why?
A nervous expression settles on his features as he eyes the room. Who was he looking for?
His eyes settle on me and he smiles. I walk over to him.
"Hey!" I say chuckling slightly.
"Hey." He says. I can hear the nervous shakiness in his voice.
"You good?" I ask raising an eyebrow.
"Yeah, I just don't like public places. Especially parties." I give him a comforting smile, and pat him on the shoulder. He winces under my touch.
"Ahh! I forgot a gift! I forgot to tell you." He says throwing his hand in the air out of frustration.
"Dude, no worries. I brought two gifts! You can just use one of mine."
"No no no, you don't have to do that!"
"I insist." I saw holding out the present. He smiles and takes it. I love that smile.

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