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Fuck feeling fuck emotions fuck with the things that I can't control the things that I don't understand mess with my mind mess with my heart until I am numb I feel too much and you care too little I'm drowning in my own pain and misery I don't know what to do anymore so you tell me why should I care anymore I don't want to care I want the pain to be numbed I want you to care about what you do to me I want normality I want happiness but they are both lies to get normality you have to have happiness but to have happiness you have to have pain life is the bullshit that we say is fine the things that I go through every single day is not fine the things that I pretend not to care about dig deep into my soul breaking it inch by inch until I be no more but everyone always has their soul so where's yours? Hidden deep within your core underneath the lies you let me believe?  Or is it beneath the pit of despair and misery you threw me in? . . .

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