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I'm the girl who sits in the back of the class taking notes and paying attention.  I'm the girl who hears everything you say but never knows.  I'm the girl that doesn't know how to make you listen.  I'm the girl who has a shit ton of stuff that she wants to say but can never find the words.  I'm the girl who gets pissed every time her bum Dad doesn't want to take her to school because he has other shit going on.  I'm the girl that actually likes school and likes homework because it let her distract herself from the problems she faces on a day to day basis.  I'm the girl that doesn't get much sleep at night because of all the thoughts racing through her mind about everything and everyone.  I'm the girl who never knows what to do.  I'm the girl that never says anything because she's too weak from staying up late trying to distract herself.  I'm the girl that just wants to be done.  Yet she knows that if she does quit she's never going to know what she actually was here for.  I'm the girl who gets headaches so bad she can barely think let alone walk.  I'm the girl that holds everything in because no one is going to care if she lets it out or not.  But if she does let it out people think she's crazy.  I'm the girl that spends every waking moment trying to be happy but never can be.  I'm the girl that doesn't eat or sleep much because the anxiety and depression is eating at her soul.  I'm the girl that gets unnoticed and unseen.  Bound to be invisible and uninvolved in everything.  The girl that tries and tries and socializing but nobody ever pays attention.  I'm the girl that no one listens to.  I'm the girl that tries too much.  I'm the girl that nobody cares about.  I'm the girl that gets her emotions fucked with for trusting and caring about people that don't care about her.  I'm the girl that hides in the shadows because where else is she going to be?  I'm the girl that if she goes out in the dance floor she never knows what to do.  I'm the girl that doesn't want to care.  I'm the girl that only cares and knows things as they really are.  I'm the girl that doesn't want people to notice her but secretly does.  Im the girl that wants people to care about her.  Im the girl who wants someone to love her the way she loves them.  I'm the girl that doesn't want to be fucked with.  I'm the girl that acts like nothing gets to her but everything actually does.  I'm the girl that doesn't want to be alone but always is left alone.  I'm the girl that knows that you don't really care because if you did you would've noticed that she's being broken by her thoughts minute by minute.  I'm the girl that needs to be loved.  I'm the girl that needs someone to hold her when her world crashes down.  I'm the girl that wants to be done with everything and everyone's bullshit.  I'm that girl.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2018 ⏰

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