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Welcome to the town of Lakewood. Lake wood is your average town full of average people.

See Lakewood is filled with your typical teenage students who mostly all attend Lakewood High.

See everyone in Lakewood high everyone is nice to one another, there is no Mean girls, there is no bad boys until Casper Jones decides to make a reappearance after just disappearing for 10 months and decides to create a muck within the town once again also creating tension throughout his school and hometown.

Now Caspar Jones is your typical Bad boy in many ways, He smokes cigarettes, He drives an old fashion Datsun 1200, White tees with leather jackets you name it the boy is bad boy all over.


Indie Johnson bumps into him quite literally twice, he then immediately pulls the Bad Boy act and throws hate towards her but then notices the things he hated on her for are anything but true.

Indie Johnson is anything but your stereotypical blonde, all though she may be on the cheer team and hangs out with the most popular girl in school.

Indie Johnson attends church every Sunday morning, her homework is always handed in on time, her spare time is spent working at Lakewood's Diner to fund for her mother. 

The girl is selfless.

but much of her changes after a certain Badboy.


*Casper Jones*

"Ooo, I see you were just talking to Indie, Lakewoods very own sweetheart" James says with a almost flirty tone in his voice as I walk towards him with a chuckle in both our voices.

Now you see James is my best mate, has been for as long as i could remember and was there for me when i was absent for 10 months. But luckily for me he took my Badboy throne for a while.

 "yeah guess I was, whats her deal anyway... sh- she is like too nice and good to be true, you get what i mean? is her niceness all an act or what?" James just cracks up and pats my shoulder. 

"Boy have you missed a lot the last 10 months. Umm, she was home schooled until this year when her family put her into school and yep, she is honestly naturally that nice, no act. that girl doesn't have a bad bone in her body, even considering being best friends with Octavia apparently Octavia and her grew up together." he gives me a serious look. "geez, no wonder why I didn't recognize her, iv'e only her rumors from the other guys" James then lets out a chuckle. "Yeah, heaps of boys throw them selves at her and see if the whole 'sweetheart' thing is all an act, she won't let a guy in..." He hold his fingers up with bunny ears as he says 'sweetheart'. "No one can crack her"

"I bet I could, no one can resist my looks" he gives me a sympathetic look and cracks up laughing. "oh trust me dude she is not like any other girl, she won't crack with you" he pats my should sympathetically. 

"I so could." James lets out a sigh. "keep dreaming big boy, keep dreaming."

The Immeasurably OppositesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon