Chapter 2~ Car Ride

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The car was silent and filled with awkwardness and honestly I wish I could say that it was those typical silent moments where a girl would look out the window and smile as she was enjoying the silence that was brought to her by the company of her male companion next to her but right now it was the opposite.

I was nervous, awkward and I kept biting my nails (it is a thing I do when I'm nervous). I was giving directions but I was that nervous that we got lost and Casper's phone died to we are currently waiting while it charges and I left my phone in Octavia's car and since she left with Matt earlier, they now have posessions of my phone.

Casper was playing with his bottom lip and fidgeting around his car. Playing with the steering wheel, the gears, the window, his face, you name it anything to keep his mind pre-occupied...

"Hey Indie" he broke the silence "Umm yeah?" I look toward his face and notice his tongue was pressing under his bottom lip.

And must I say it was attractive, he looked very, very attractive doing the simple motion. Now even I can admit that Mr. Bad boy is one attractive boy. He most definitely looked like he popped out of my phone or a magazine. But right now moonlight was hitting half his face and defining most of his features more and giving them more shadows making him look more and more like a god.

Stop Indie this guy was really mean to you earlier.

"I am really sorry for what I said earlier tonight, I shouldn't just assume things. I mean you just look like your typical popular teenage girl that cheers" he let out a chuckle and turned to me with a sympathetic look. I gave him a small but genuine smile I mean it's the least I could do for his apology.

"yeah, that's usually peoples first impression of me, but trust me I'm not a confident stereotypical blonde cheerleader, I don't even really like cheering" I let out a small chuckle as I let out my words in a soft hush voice like always do and Casper joined into the chuckle that I had created to fill the air but he soon became distracted by his phone lighting up and turning on as we both grinned at each other.

"well indie, I must say we really did get lost, it's another 30 minutes' drive from here, do you need to call your parents to tell them you're coming and your safe?" he has his phone in the palm of his hand and gesturing to give it to me, I shook my head before replying "oh no, it's fine. My Noona isn't home" he furrowed his eyebrows together with a bit of confusion.

Yeah not too many people know my different ways of calling people things. "Noona?" he sits up straighter and facing towards me more questioning my choice of words. "Ohh umm right, my Noona is my Nan, when I was a little girl I couldn't really say 'a' properly for some reason so Noona stuck instead of Nanna." I let out a small chuckle as my memories came back into my mind fondly "ohh so you live with your Nan?"


I drop my head and I think the Bad boy gets the picture of not pushing it. And plus I don't know him I mean I've never opened up to anyone really except Octavia.

Octavia knows everything about me and my whole story. My Noona and her Nan were best friends so when I moved here I was always with Octavia and well we grew on each other and now we are extremely close.

"Do- Do you want to do something reckless and fun?" after silence Casper breaks all the silence and I'm slightly confused as how he is stuttering, the confident boy is stuttering.

But reckless and fun, I mean I'm not one for reckless behavior I don't have time for it and its silly and not me.

"I don't do reckless things" I let out a small chuckle as well and look to Casper. "Well come on, let loose, come do something reckless with me. Just this one night" he looks up and for a moment there is an emotion in his eyes I can't name. It's not emotionless like it has been majority of the time I've been with him or ice cold but something different.

"My Noona wouldn't want me too"

"You said she wasn't home"

"Oh yeah, but I can't I don't do reckless things Casper"

"Well try"

"It's not me, I mean you're a bad boy it's your duty too, but me." I let out a small chuckle before continuing "it's not me, I am not one to enjoy doing 'reckless things'"

"One night that's all I'm asking, it will be safe I promise"

"I thought the point of being reckless it for it to be unsafe?"

"This one will be safe"

I pause and think.

I mean I never do anything to enjoy myself and I never go out with boys, heck, I've never even had a boyfriends, been on a date, kissed anyone, nothing, I'm very in-experienced which tends to shock many people.

"Promise me Casper I won't be in danger."

"I promise, Indie"

A smirk wipes across his face as he turns the key into the ignition and his car comes to life with vicious roars.

"Let loose, I promise your safe and you will have fun."


A/N I am truly sorry for the short chapter and for it not being that exciting but boi do i promise you the next one will be ;)

SO thought yall~

what do you think of Casper so far...

and currently i feel like i havent explored Indies personality alot but next three chapters will be focusing alot on explaining her :)


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2018 ⏰

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