Chapter 1~ Bears First Win

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  "Hey Octavia, I'm going to get food ill meet you at the party" I smiled before turning from my friend and leaving her car. At the moment we are parked in front of the teenage hot spot 'Dot's Diner' known in our small town for their world class milkshakes.

Well we are currently parked outside this diner because behind the diner leads to the woods and a certain location within the woods is another hotspot for teenagers and for their party's specifically for the ones thrown after the bears win their football game. The Bears were the pride and joy of my hometown, our schools football team and we weren't half bad either.

And tonight's party was being thrown due to the Bears winning their first game this year. Yay, Go Bears. Jocks, Students, plus ones and the one and only Bears Cheer team were going to be there. This Cheer team involving me, I'm best friends with the captain Octavia, a skinny, tan, tall, Brown hair girl who got anyone she set her heart out for. We have been friends since preschool and have stuck together ever since and that is the reason for my place on the cheer team. I am only on the team because I am honestly too shy to put myself out there and go and experience other things I guess so here I am stuck yelling "GO BEARS, GO!" it is fun don't get me wrong but I'm shy, quiet and would much prefer to be at home reading a book.

I am one of the quietest people you will ever meet, I'm just socially awkward when I don't really know you at all. I think that if I wasn't friends with Octavia no one would talk to me and id be hidden and honestly I wouldn't mind that. But many people say im to sweet to be true that I am too kind. I know I am nice but I just don't really have a need to hate on anyone at all.

I begin walking inside the diner of which I work at as well. I have to get money somehow and I really love the diner. It's basically my second home. "Hey Berney, how are you tonight?" I greeted one of my favorite colleges whilst looking at what to order. His face turned bright and he had a smile wiped across his face that reached his eyes causing tiny wrinkles to appear. "Good evening Indie, Chocolate milkshake?" he kept the smile and I just nodded returning the smile "you know me too well" I waited at the counter and made small chat with Berney whilst waiting for the milkshake.

Yes I know, I am about to go to a party, in the woods and here I am getting a milkshake, well I don't drink, alcohol. Never have nor do I plan too.

I glance up as Berney hands the cold drink in a large pastel stripped cup and smiles "on the house kiddo" I smile at the gesture. See why I like working here, they are like my family. "Thank you berney, enjoy your night" he nods his head and smiles. I turn and take a step but clash into something on my way. Wait I didn't know there was a plant here... wait that isn't a plant, oh geez that's a guy.

I look up and my eyes wonder to his face. His face. He had dark dirty blonde hair that was nearing a brown colour but was messily placed but at the same time really nicely done. He had brown eyes with a darker brown ring surrounding his outer eyes. Tan and had a soft but sharp completion. This boy was very attractive

"Oh sugar, I'm so-"he cuts me off and looks me up and down whilst scoffing "piss off you perky blonde, watch where you're going next time" I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and my jaw dropped this boys didn't look mean. I began to open my mouth to talk again, to apologies I guess, but I quickly closed it as he scoffed again before walking off. I stood still for a few seconds, shocked. But then decided to go find Octavia.


"Indie there you are! I started to worry." Octavia jumped up to me grasping a tight hold on my arms "u-uh sorry, but I got a shake" I gave a crocked smile "oh Indie, when will you ever loosen up and become a normal teenager and not some 80 year old trapped in a 17 year olds body?" I cocked my head to the side and let out a smile that showed what I would have said 'umm, probably never... sorry?' She just shook her head and laughed. "Well I'm going to dance, join me if you want." I just shook my head whilst I watched my friend jump around in her cheer outfit happily. I just watched from the side lines.

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