Chapter 1

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Naruko didn't fight it and she gave in, letting the blackness swallow her whole. The last thing Naruko heard was "KIT HOLD ON! Kurama tried his best to push his chakra back into his Kit. Trying his best to keep Naruko alive, 'Damn you Madara, and you too fucking banshee sakura haruno. If I see any of you two again.

I'll kill you for this!' Kurama thought as the both of his and what little of Naruko's chakra warped through the seal. Kurama could hear Naruko's screams were deafening as Naruko's body felt like it was being ripped limb by limb; then being reattached then ripped off once again. Kurama had never heard Naruko scream in so much pain in his life. Not even with the beatings on his Kit birthdays. The pain soon became too much for Naruko handle before she passed out. "YOU BETTER STAY ALIVE KIT!" Kurama yelled as everything went black.

Naruko POV

Where am I...?

I feels so light... and So comfortable..

But also... So cold... 'Kit Wake up, please! If you don't we'll both, will die?' I heard the worried tone of Kurama. I opened my eyes only to see I was in a middle of a river as the stream wasn't flowing to fast so I could swim across the water and reached to a flat rock. As I climbed onto the rock, coughing out whatever water that was still in my lungs. "Kurama?" I said weakly in our mind link.

"Kit! Don't scare me like that." Said a worried kurama as he looked over his kit only to look down at her in worry. He almost lost her to Madara in that fight. But only for him to become even more worried when that fucking banshee sakura haruno. Try killing his kit.

"Kit can you tell me, the last thing you remember." Asked Kurama.

"I think so?" I said through our mind link. 'Sakura she... wanted to... talk ... to me... after the fight with Madara she... try... to... 'The bitch had deliberately poisoned you.' kurama's voice grew into more and angrier. "But it seem me and my siblings saved you but also it seem we. Were sent back in time I think." Said Kurama as My eyes wide when I heard that as I looked at my reflection on the water. I raised a shaking hand. And my reflection did the same. They touched. Holy shit.

What stared back at me was an innocent young girl of twelve, with long golden hair, large blue eyes and rosy oval face. Was back to my 12 year-old self. For minutes I lost in thought, as my blue eyes shimmering with cold, dark gleaming.

"What are you planning to do, Naruko-chan?" asked kurama as he smiled in seeing the dark gleaming in her eyes.

"Well, since we're back to the past, I can change thing, many things, and this time, I won't be a blinded fool."

Kurama stood silent. Naruto continued. "I want to make them feel bitterness, I will make those traitors feel every bitterness that they can taste in life. I will never offer them any of my heart, for even if I did they'll still they'd betrayed me." I'll only let those who I know that won't betrayed me, into my heart."

My thought where cut short when I heard "Naruto!"

"Naruto! Are you there?"

Naruko perked up, then soon recognized her Academy teacher and two ANBUs.

"Naruto, are you ok?" Iruka asked as he jumped down to the slippery rocks and approached to the kid. "You haven't come to genin test, and I was worr..." Slurring the end of his sentence the chuunin froze in his place, staring at the girl in front of him. Slowly, his jaw began to be dropped, his eyes almost popping out from its sockets...

Time skip to hokage office

The Sandaime massaged his temples as he stared blankly at the girl in front of him. What the hell happened to you Naruto? Thought the sandaime. "You.. Found him.. I mean, her like this, Iruka?" asked the Sandaime.

Iruka nodded, his eyes wearily watching Naruto. Contradict to the shocked and worried atmosphere of the other two, Naruto was calmly sitting on the chair, her head tilted little to the backward.

"Naruto." Clearing his throat Sandaime called. "Can you remember what had happened?"

Jiji.. I'd never thought I will be able to see you ever again. I thought as I Sighed inwardly as I looked up and blinked innocently. real name is Naruko, Hokage-sama. And how I ended up like this. Is that I was always a girl. My father place a seal on me to change my gender into a boy for a while." I said as I noticed that Hiruzen had a shock look on his face when I said my father. I guessed he is wondering in how I know who my father is. I thought as I continued in telling them in what happened next and how I ended up in the river. It was all done by a group that served under the civilian Council.

Seeing the anger expression on the hokages face. Brighten my day knowing that those bastards in the civilian Council are going to get it. Even though they didn't really do anything but they don't need to know that. I thought as I looked at the Hokage.

Hiruzen moved his eyes onto the Academy teacher. What Naruko had said is true." "Her father plays the seal on her to change her gender to make her look like a boy for the time being to protect her." But what we had seen for far in how treated Naruko when she was Naruto. Guessing the treatment she be getting if she went as herself will be much worse." Said Hiruzen.

Iruka nodded, he had not much things to say, for he neither had any idea on the matter nor was able to catch what was going on.

"Naruto... I mean Naruko.. Are you ok?"

I tilted my head little, then smiled. "Yes, Iruka-sensei. I'm not really frightened, or shocked." I said with one of my sweet and caring smiles.

Iruka blushed at the rather charming smile completely forgetting that she was pretending to be a boy this entire time.

Sandaime sighed in relief. At least Naruko, herself seemed okay on this.

Iruka turned to Sarutobi. "Hokage-sama, do you think Naruko can take genin exam today? I mean.."

"I can, sensei." Naruko interrupted in a firm tone. "And jiji I would also have a word about my father." I said making Sarutobi flinch and nod his head.

Well done kit. Now you'll be living in father compound rather than that crap hole of apartment you used to live in. kurama said as he smiled know that Sarutobi is going to pay for lying to her. Like hell has no fury like a woman scorned. Thought kurama as he smiled seeing what will happened next.

3rd POV

Namikaze Clan Compound, Main Gate.

"Wow, that's so amazing" said Naruko as she looked at the gates and was in complete awe, they were even bigger than the Sarutobi Compound. They consisted of 2 giant toads holding to long sword that made up the gate. As kurama could only nod his head in agreement.

Naruko placed the key in the lock and a seal, appeared on the forehead of the toads and they lifted the swords to make an opening. Naruko smiled as she walked toward the main house.

"oh Naruko I need you to make a shadow clone." Kurama said as Naruko did what she was told. After making a shadow clone Naruko watched in awe as the clone become taller and his hair turn from blonde to blood red and the whiskers on his cheek marks become more dense and once where ocean blue eyes are now crimson red with black slit where the pupil should be. Wow kurama you look amazing said Naruko as she looked at the fox demon who she sees as her father figure.

"Thanks Kit." kurama said as he offered his hand to Naruko who he sees as his daughter

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