Chapter 7

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Naruko POV

All 9 of us Jinchuuriki's. Were in contact. I thought with a smile. I quickly pulled out a scroll and started writing to Kurama and telling him that I made contact with all the other Jinchuuriki's, I even told him that I'll be going on my first C rank mission tomorrow also I even asked him about the updation on the locations of the base of Orochimaru. And I told him that I'm going to be taking my puppets to guard me while I'm on my C rank mission so he won't worry. Hoping he'll come back home soon. After writing my letter and giving it to one of my summons and tell it to deliver it to Kurama once that was all done. I headed to my closet, then opened it and scrutinized the clothes.

Whistling I brought out clothes for tomorrow. Black sweater, dark shorts, arm protectors and black long kunoichi boots.

Zabuza and Haku.

It'll be really long time no see.


Bowing down I clutched my head. The incident in Hokage's office today was not quite my plan. In fact, I did not actually intend to piss off Kakashi off.

"..But why did he look pissed?" Grumbling I went back to my sealing scroll. However, deep inside of my vain part told me that I knew it was coming.


Sighing softly and looked into the mirror again.

I began to wonder what Asuma is thinking about me right now. The bearded jounin looked quite irritated as he dragged poor Konohamaru and took left a few days ago.

He seemed angry.

Was it really an anger? Or was he...

No, I don't think so I thought as I went back to packing for tomorrow.

3rd POV with Kakashi

"Yo~!" Kakashi called as he entered the Hokage's office.

"Oh Kakashi you're... early" Sarutobi smiled in surprise.

"Is this our client?" Kakashi asked ignoring the not-so- subtle jab from the Hokage.

"Yeah, I'm Tazuna." the old man in work worn clothes said as he took a swig from a jug. "So you're Kakashi? I thought you'd be.. taller!"

Shrugging nonchalantly Kakashi pulled out his book and began to read.

"Don't let him fool you Tazuna. Kakashi is one of my best."

"Alright then. Lets get going. We have a long ways to go." Without another word the old man turned around and walked out the door. After Nodding at Sarutobi Kakashi followed him outside the door.

Together the two walked through the streets of Konoha. As they approached the gate Kakashi was pleased to see the gate still empty. He'd have time to read his book.

For five minutes Kakashi resumed his happy reading, perched on the flat stone beside the gate. And Tazuna waited patiently. The elder man thought of talking with the jounin, but upon glancing over the book the youth was reading Tazuna quickly brushed the thoughts away.

'So the so-famous copy-ninja is a pervert.' Sighing the client put out two glass bottles and handed one to the jounin. "Here you go."

"Ah, thank you."

Then the silence resumed again.

Kakashi was too absorbed by his hentai that he didn't notice a certain blonde approaching near.

"Hey, is that one of your students?" Tazuna asked, happy to break the silence.

Kakashi immediately closed his book as he saw Naruko walking towards them with a stranger Following right beside her. The person looks like his late twenties, and stands roughly six feet tall. He has crimson eyes and long black hair. He wears a red bandanna with his fringe emerging over it. The strangers most distinctive feature is his red cloak, held in place over his shoulders and lower face by several buckles. Underneath his cape his attire is black leather with several straps and buckles. He was also wears a holster for his gun strapped to his right thigh, and pointed golden sabatons on his feet. He wears a golden gauntlet on his left arm. To Kakashi this guy doesn't sound like good news.

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