Chapter 8

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(yes, people, I am alive! and I'm sorry for the major weight on this story. to be updated I've had a major writer's block on all of my Naruto fanfics recently. due to the fact, that I kind of lost interest in them for a while. As you guys can tell I was into the whole Harry Potter fanfiction series. But after reading a few Naruto fanfics, I got myself back into the groove and I'll be updating my Naruto fanfics more often than normal.)

Naruko was deep in her thoughts as she clenched her fists. When she'd woken up to find herself in the past and she wasn't going to let what happened in the future come to pass. she could save all those lives and help her fellow jinchuurikis. shaking her head Naruko looked up at Vincent only to be in shocked her Emotions were affecting the puppet from his blank monotone stare into a deadly glare that would scare anyone if they see it. Naruko let out a breath and was trying to calm down when Sasuke's hand gently brushed her arm and she started slightly, before relaxing.

The Uchiha paused for a couple of moments, knowing for sure now that something was wrong- Naruko was not usually so jumpy-but not knowing what to do about it.

"Is there anything... Wrong?" He asked tentatively, navigating through uncharted territory. Sasuke hadn't felt the need to...worry...about someone like this in a very long time and it felt overwhelmingly odd to do so now. The Uchiha resisted the urge to squirm. Naruko almost stumbled when she heard Sasuke of all people try to comfort her. She turned to her friend, eyes wide. Then she smiled and punched the boy's shoulder lightly, both acknowledging and thanking the Uchiha with the simple gesture.

"Neh, it's nothing. It's just... That it's my first time to be out of Konoha."

Naruko took a deep breath, forcing her heart rate to calm down and focused on Sasuke's light footsteps, the soft brushing of the cloth of his shorts, and his hand running across tree bark at random intervals; they were walking on the edge of the trail, She realized.

"But what about the Academy exercises where we left the village to practice?" Sakura interrupted sharply. Naruko sighed, and Sasuke twitched slightly as well.

"Sakura, those need permission forms. I was never allowed to go on them, and even the small-scale ones that stayed inside the village were hard to get permission for." Naruko shifted agilely around a pothole that Sasuke indicated with a foot tap, focusing intently on her footsteps.

'Hell God knows that I want to crush her immediately, but I have to keep a decent act in front of others.' Smirking coldly Naruko thought.

"But why couldn't you just get your parents to sign them?" Sakura actually sounded.. Provocative. Ah, the joys of living a charmed life.

It was Sasuke who answered her. "Naruko doesn't have any parents, Sakura. They died a long time ago. She's an orphan like me."

"Oh..." Sakura seemed to have realized she'd hit on a sore spot, and for about ten minutes, the trio was able to walk in silence.

Soon Sakura's voice started up again.

"Kakashi-sensei?" Sakura asked,

"Yes Sakura?" Kakashi answered.

"Are their ninja in the Land Of Waves?" She questioned.

Kakashi shook his head, "No, they are mostly in the Mist, they are the same country but the Wave doesn't have ninja's."

Sakura nodded her head, motioning that she understood.

"Why doesn't the Mist help Wave now?" She asked. Naruko's attention snapped to her. "Because their country is at war at the moment, they are dealing with rebels who want to overpower the Mizukage, Yagura. The leader of the rebels is Mei Terumi. But I don't blame them, Yagura did some pretty horrifying things." Kakashi explained.

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