Chapter one; Smoke in the sky.

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Amira awoke, sweating. 'It was that dream AGAIN. ' She thought, agitated (and slightly flustered, I might add). She didn't know who that raven haired boy was, or why he was hugging her so tightly, and... Crying? He didn't look like anyone who was part of her tribe, and she hadn't been to any gatherings yet, she gasped, 'The gatherings!' How could she forget!? There was a gathering tonight, and as a newly apprenticed fifteen year old, she would be aloud to go! The gatherings only happened every six months or so, so it was a tremendous honer to be able to go! She very quickly, and clumsily, got dressed into her only outfit, consisting of brown pants, a white shirt, mud stained brown boots, and a brown leather jacket. She left her long, wavy, red hair down so that Geneva, her best friend, could style it to her hearts content. 

Amira walked out of the cave in which she slept in with the other apprentices, and was glad to see that only two were awake, Geneva, and Spero, a male medical apprentice Amira was pleased to see them holding hands in front of the fire. (No, contrary to popular belief, the frost tribe can not survive off of ice alone, they need food, and water, and heat just like any other tribe!)                     "Good morning, Amira!" Geneva said in her usual chirpy way, "Morning Gennie, Spero." She said, smirking, "You two seem close." Geneva and Spero began blushing furiously and sweet, wonderful, kind Amira wanted them just a liiiiiiiiitle closer. "All I'm saying is that you two will make a good family in a few years." Spero seemed to have calmed down just a bit, "Yeah?" He tested her, smirking as well, "Yeah! I ship it." (Sorry..... I had to >:3) Spero made the most obvious fake yawn in the history of fake yawns and put his arm around Geneva, who was now as red as a deep rose, looked a Spero and made a ginormous grin. Spero nodded with the same smirk, "What'd I say?" Amira asked, "I must be phycic." "Clearly" Geneva and Spero said simultaneously, Amira sat down across from the two and they chated until the rest of the Tribe awoke and it was time to get ready to leave for the gathering.

(Again, thanks so much if your still here, it means so much to me!)

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