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Frantic and unable to see straight almost nothing but tears in my eyes. I can't see what I'm doing barely able to breathe, eyes puffy and red and pain all over my face from the crying. I could only wish to see that person one more time. I would have cherished that time much more not expecting it to be our last. I wanted to be with you longer as the days grow longer my heart shrinks and cages slowly. My love and all of the feeling I entrusted to you almost gone but your face, your body, your emotions just you. It seems to never fail to bring me back down. I want to talk to you again, actual you face-to-face not through some screen where only I feel and you see just another person. I want to see your face one more time before I let go, one more time before I leave. It is something I am almost positive you won't understand. The phrase "Time only makes the heart grow fonder." Seem to be the only phrase I can think to explain my situation. Though day-to-day I talk to you and I look forward to it but it hurts cause I miss when we looked into the starry night. Only me and you, I saw two things that I loved. You the most amazing person who was kept inside a shell all her life, almost never truly opening up. And the moon the same moon I would look up to, just so I can think why I shouldn't jump. Every night it's the same. Nothing feels fun, I act and act, lie and lie, smile and smile. I can't keep this lie going, I have to let go but how no matter what I do I just want to stay by you. I know now, this so called "love" is attainable however, you feel it in small burst then fall so far down it feels you can't get up. I wish so many things, the biggest is to leave this life, it isn't worth it I'd much rather die. I wish but its only a wish. If only I was able to do it. My feeble hands cannot because if I died who would stop you? 

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