Chapter two

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After the all the shows; instead of returning home, dipper had a much better idea. "Sister, what if we go visit a few 'friends'. I saw them going out of the tent." Dipper scoffed.
Mabel smiled. "Maybe you do have a brain dear brother." Mabel said and they both walked through the woods, to the mystery shack. "Brother do you think Gi- that white haired boy will be there?" Mabel asked. "Depends; do you think paci- that dumb blonde will be with him?" Dipper asked also.
"You mean that girl you have a major crush on?" Mabel smiled. "Well... you have a crush on that weird white haired kid!" Dipper scoffed.
"Leave Gideon out of this!" Mabel growled punching her brother. Dipper laughed cruelly. "Oh look we're here." he said chuckling. They walked side by side to the Mystery Shack where Pacifica and Gideon stood looking at... a journal! Dipper and Mabel saw this, it was the only journal they didn't have. They both put on a straight solemn face and walked over. "Why if it isn't our favorite people." Dipper said sarcastically, even though he just wanted to kiss that blonde beauty in front of him. "Why hello Gideon." Mabel said putting her hands on his shoulders seductively. Gideon back away slowly. "What do you guys want?" he stuttered out. "Oh nothing really, we just wanted to spend some time with our.... friends." Dipper smiled. "Well we're kinda busy so can you come back another time?" Pacifica asked pulling Gideon behind her. "Oh of course! We didn't mean to intrude on your little... date." Mabel smiled cruelly while Dipper used his magic to take the journal. "We can come back another time, farewell." Mabel smiled cruelly as she took Dipper's hand and they walked to their limousine that had just pulled up.

After their ride home the twins went to their bedroom to find Will missing. "This is your fault!" Dipper yelled at Mabel. "Great Uncle Ford is literally going to kill us!" he yelled slamming his fist onto the table where all three journals lay, reunited. "Brother, would you please calm down. I remember a demon summoning spell in the journal!" Mabel scoffed sitting down and flipping through the pages of the journal. "Here it is." Mabel said and said the incantation to which Will appeared right in the room. Dipper walked over and backhanded Will to the face. "You worthless demon! Do you know what our uncle would do to us if he found out you escaped!" growled Dipper. "I..I'm sorry master I..I was dimension surfing, I think I found something you would be interested in." Will stuttered, taken aback by the blow to his face. "Well then show us then! We don't have all day!" Dipper scoffed. Will showed the twins all he had seen. The twins were shocked by it. "So we aren't the original Mabel and Dipper Pines?" Mabel asked. Will nodded. "You two are the reversed twins. The real twins live in the mystery shack with their loving grunkles and are haunted by my opposite... Bill Cipher." Will said. This made Dipper smile. "Your opposite you say? Who has immense power and can take over the whole entire galaxy? Summon him." Dipper said. "W..what?" Will asked shocked. "I want to meet this so called dream demon. Summon him... Now." Dipper threatened. "Y..yes master" Will said and recited the incantation. "Triangulum, entangulum. meteforis dominus ventium. meteforis venetisarium! Asetnoheptus Asetnoheptus Asetnoheptus Asetnoheptus Asetnoheptus" A yellow triangle appeared and one eye opened and turned into a yellow triangle much like Will with all the same features; but yellow. "Oh hey Pinetree! Shooting Star! I never though you of all people would summon me!! Waittttt a secondddd! You're not Pinetree, and you're not shooting star!" Bill said. Will; who was in the background had turned into his demon form. "Hey why do you look like me?! If this is another prank so help me Pinetree, this time I'll kill you for good!" Bill said getting really close to Dipper's face. Dipper punched him sending him backwards. "Listen here triangle and listen well! We want assess to your universe to make sure that we will be the only Pines twins around, the originals!" Dipper scowled. "Ohhhhh so that's what this is about, sure kid, but a few ground rules first then! No stealing any of my fleshbags, no magic, and no letting anyone other than your alternate selves see you, and also there's my end of the deal." Bill laughed. "What could you possibly want?" Mabel asked Bill. "I want to be able to go here whenever I want, and... I want your beautiful multi-dimensional friend." Bill said floating over to Will. "Deal." Dipper said and stuck his hand out to Bill to shake on it. Bill shook Dipper's hand which was lit with fire. "Good, the better we get our alternate selves and get out of there the better." Mabel scoffed. Bill laughed. "It won't be that easy kid but okay." Bill laughed and floated over to the journals. "Take them, I'm sure they will help greatly in my dimension." Bill said and floated over to a different area. "We get in and get out." Dipper said as Bill opened up a portal. Bill bowed sarcastically for the twins. "Go on ahead kids, and make sure to count your limbs after you get out, you may end up with a few less than you entered with!" Bill laughed and went into the portal after the other three went in.

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