Chapter six

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The four children looked up to see the reverse pines, both sets of twins. "You scream and you'll regret it." Reverse Dipper said holding a knife to Original Mabel's throat. Reverse Mabel went over to grab Original Mabel's arm but something weird happened. A large energy wave pushed her back, alerting the Original Ford and Stanley of their predicament.
"Hey! Get away from them!" Original stanley yelled. He was going after the reverse stanley.
The reverse stanley grinned cruelly knowing what would happen. "
Wait Grunkle Stan! Don't touch your reverse self!" Dipper yelled. The smile from the reverse Stanley's face disappeared. Reverse Mabel cut his arm with the knife she was holding, making him cry out in pain. The original Stanford ran over to the reverse stanley fighting him and The Original Stanley over to the reverse Stanford. Despite the magic and all of the older reverse pines' efforts; the real Stanford and Stanley won. All that was left was the Reverse younger twins. They both held a dagger to each of the twins' necks.
"If you take even a step further, we'll end them."
Reverse Mabel said. Ford put an arm out to stop Stan from walking over there and beating them up. "What do you want?" Ford asked them. "Power."
"Power?" Ford asked.
"Yes Power, you see; we had two demons in our claws; then we had none.. summon him."
Reverse Mabel said.
"I..I..." Ford started.
"Unless you want the kids to die." Reverse Mabel said.
"No Grunkle Ford don't trust them!" Dipper said and gasped for breath as the knife was pressed more closely to his throat. Ford sighed. "Let's make a deal then, you leave my family and the rest of the people I care about alone; and I'll summon Bill and Will Cipher for you." Ford said holding out his hand. Hey
"Deal." Reverse dipper and shook it.
"Triangulum, entangulum. meteforis dominus ventium. meteforis venetisarium! Asetnoheptus Asetnoheptus Asetnoheptus Asetnoheptus Asetnoheptus"
Ford said the incantation; and Bill and Will Cipher appeared.
"Yeesh kid how many times are you going to summon me- oh sixer it's you, never thought I'd see you again." Bill laughed.
"Will, you've forgotten who your masters are." Reverse Dipper said.
"Anyways, as promised; take the little brats and get out of here before we change our minds." Reverse Mabel said and the younger twins were pushed forward into their Grunkle's arms.
The reverse twins snapped their fingers and chains appeared on bill and Will.
"I'll get you back for this sixer! Trust me on this!!" Bill yelled as Ford and Stanley picked up the Now unconscious kids; and quickly went through the portal destroying it after they went through. Once they got back to Gravity Falls; they rushed to the mystery shack and placed the children on their beds.
Grabbing wet rags; they washed the blood off their faces and arms, and covered the children in blankets to keep their shivering bodies warm. "God; this is all my fault." Ford said holding his head in the palm of his hand once both him and Stanley had sat down in chairs in the thirteen year olds' bedroom. "Listen Ford, lots of things may be your fault, but this isn't. I can assure you that." Stanley said placing a hand on his brother's shoulder.
"If is Stanley, if only I had been a few seconds earlier!" Ford cursed under his breath, but the sound of one of the twins stirring made his head bolt up.
"Ugh.. Grunkle Ford? Grunkle Stan?" Mabel said. "What happened?" She asked.
"Don't worry about that right now pumpkin, you need your rest." Stan smiled placing a hand on Mabel's head caressing head hair back from her eyes. She slowly closed her eyes and fells back asleep.

(Yay my very first time skip to one week later 😂 so basically what happens in the week before is, Mabel does wake up again and goes back to normal; but dipper hasn't yet.)

"Grunkle Ford? When is dipper gonna wake up?" Mabel asked sitting at the bedside of dipper.
"I don't know sweetie, it could be anytime from now to even a few days from now." Ford said. "Don't worry pumpkin, he'll wake up; He's dipper! Nothing'l keep him from his mystery hunts!" Stan chuckled sadly.
"He always does..."

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