Chapter One

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Whitepaw padded out of the apprentice's den in search of his mentor, he was alerted at the sight of her, Sootstar, who stalked over to the fresh-kill pile and took a small vole, he padded over to her as she sat to eat, her tail neatly set over her paws.                                                                                    "So, are we going to train, Sootstar?" he said eagerly as she sat up and looked at him, blood on her muzzle, answering,"Eat something, get some energy." she paused and continued eating as Whitepaw dragged out a thin rabbit over by Sootstar and tore off meat from the bones.                Sootstar stood and padded out the entrance, summoning Whitepaw to follow with the flick of her tail.                                  As they walked, Whitepaw broke the silence by mumbling,"This leaf-fall we haven't been getting much prey.."Sootstar stopped in her tracks, as she opened her jaws to scent the air.                                                              "I agree, barely a whisker out here, although, to be honest, it is leaf-fall."she spoke, her ears rotating, searching for the 'pitter-pattering' of mice paw-steps, raising her tail for silence before crawling into the bushes, Whitepaw heard a brief squeak before Sootstar padded out with a mouse in her jaws. She put her mouse down and covered it with dirt, then continuing on quietly.                                               When they reached they got to the clear training area, Sootstar sat on the cold ground and began to give tips on how to fight, when she finished speaking she stood.                                                                                                                                              Whitepaw noticed a gleam of strength in her eyes as she spoke,"Attack me." he stared at her, a little surprised, then dropped into a crouch, glancing around, then springing at her, Sootstar crouched under him right before he pounced on her, she then used her paws and hooked his feet out from under him, causing him to lose his footing on the sand as he landed, his mouth catching sand as he tumbled across the dirt.                                                                                            "Nice try, but don't give your enemy time to think, now try again." Whitepaw stood and turned to her, then jumping at her, she crouches attempting to do the same thing as before. He landed on her back, squashing her then holding her down. "Like that?" he mewed, excitement gleaming in his blue eyes, she nodded, he then stepped off her, as she stood, "Now, you have a hunting task, and I'm busy, so go with Flameblossom, and I will see you sun-down."she said as she bunched her muscles and leaped over over a log on her way out, Whitepaw following. They padded to the camp silently.                           As he walked through the tunnel into his camp, he saw Flameblossom padding towards him, yowling,"Come on, if we don't get there, all the prey's going to be gone!" as she said that, he saw a flash of humor in her eyes.                                                                                                                                        He nodded,"And if you yell any louder, the prey is surely gone," his whiskers quivered with amusement as she glared at him, playfulness shining in her eyes,"Come on, Flameblossom." he mewed, Flameblossom mocked him under her breath,"Come on, Flameblossom!" she looked at Whitepaw, "Aren't I the warrior?" he looked back at her,"For now, not till' I get into the warrior's den!" her whiskers twitched once again,"Sure, alright, enough playing around, let's go." she meowed as she began to pad towards the entrance, Whitepaw following. They pawed through the forest, stealthily, Whitepaw's ear flicked as he heard a mouse, he dropped into a crouch as Fireblossom watched him,"Keep your stomach closer to the earth when you crouch," she commented as he took her advice, and kept his stomach closer to the damp, forest floor. He slowly crawled toward the mouse, barely touching the ground, as he pounced on the mouse, the mouse squeaked loudly as he dispatched it with a swift blow.                                                                           Whitepaw took in the tempting fumes of the limp mouse in his jaws, he sat up and put the fresh-kill at Flameblossom's paws,"Nice work! Keep it up, and next time pounce a little quieter." he nodded, then meowed,"I don't think this is enough yet," he stopped suddenly and, scented the air, he flattened his ears to his head,"ReedClan!" he snarled, Flameblossom scented the air, and frantically meowed to her self,"ReedClan?I've never encountered another clan member!" she continued to ramble, as Whitepaw sat to watch,"Can we manage?" "It's okay, It's okay, It's just one member, we can take em' down!" Whitepaw meowed, confidence rushing through him, Flameblossom looked at him, fear still glimmering in her eyes,"R-really?" he nodded as he stood, "Well, I guess we have to try.." she stopped pacing as they walked, Whitepaw dug up a hole in the soft soil as he dropped his mouse in it in and covered it up.                                                                                                                                                                                 Quietly, they stalked through the bushes towards the intruder. Flameblossom flicked her tail to attack and they both yowled as they flung themselves at the warrior, the cat huffed as they landed on the cat's back, Whitepaw bit the enemy's hind leg, and Flameblossom dug her claws in the enemy's fur, the cat yowled in pain as it scrambled out from under them and ran away back to the ReedClan border.

Flameblossom snarled at the fleeing warrior as she turned to Whitepaw,"Let's go back to camp, we can rest till' tomorrow, and eat, but we have to hunt on our way." Once they returned to the camp with a few pieces of fresh kill in each on their jaws, Whitepaw set down his prey and stalked into the apprentice's den, glancing back at Flameblossom as she went to report the border skirmish, Icepaw meowed to Whitepaw as he came in,"Hey, Whitepaw, what's new?" Whitepaw told Icepaw everything that happened, when he finished, Icepaw was left wide eyed,"Wow!" she yowled,"That's awesome, I guess we can play tomorrow." Whitepaw curled up in his mossy bed next to Icepaw, Whitepaw was comforted by her friend's soft fur, he soon sleep crashed over him like a dark wave.

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