part two

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idiot in love
by njh

an idiot in love
holding on to the wilted petals
of a rose that was once alive
and are now dead as his partner's love.

after what happened in the old gym, joohyuk wiped his tear-stained face with a handkerchief. he went to his next class which was calculus, a class he had with soojung and jongin. he sat down on his usual place and read his book, acting normal.

suddenly, a girl propped down on the seat next to him. it was jennie, one of the prettiest ones in their college and also had a crush on joohyuk. "joohyuk.." she started, playing with her fingers. "yes?" he answered. "you can find a better girl. there is a great big world out there and you can find your true girl in this world." she said, looking at him. "what are you talking about?" he asked, acting like he didn't know anything. "you know what i'm talking about." she answered, standing up and going to her usual seat at the back.

another girl sat down next to him and this time, it was soojung. his breath hitched and he concentrated harder on his book, ignoring her. "so did you hear what happened?" soojung asked. "heard what? that you accepted jongin's confession? of course i did. hell, i was even there to witness it." joohyuk said and stood up. "leave me alone." he added and walked towards jennie, sitting down next to her.

soojung guiltily bit her lip and looked down to her lap. "hey babe. what's with the long face?" jongin asked as he sat down next to her, on joohyuk's old seat. "n-nothing." she said and shook her head. "tell me!!!" jongin whined, continuing to force her to tell him. soojung smiled at his actions and pecked his lips. "it's nothing. i promise." she said but she knew at the back of her mind, it wasn't nothing.

joohyuk, who saw the whole thing, clenched his fist and felt a hand grab his. "it's okay. everything will be ok." jennie said and patted his hand comfortingly.

as soon as the class was finished, joohyuk stood up and immediately left the room. he walked up to the roof top, not knowing someone was following him. he leaned on the railings and closed his eyes, letting the wind hit his face harshly and his neat hair became messy. "you look better when your hair didn't look so suffocated with all that gel you put on your hair." soojung said as she leaned on the railings next to him.

"i told you. leave me alone." joohyuk said, annoyed. "i won't. hear me out. please." soojung said, expecting him to say yes. "i don't want to. how many times did this happen already? 3 years in college and here we are, you asking me to hear you put for like what? the 4th time? it's the same every time. every fucking time. so no. i don't want to hear you out. i'm an idiot. i was an idiot to believe that we would last forever." he said, looking at soojung straight to her eyes. yes, it wasn't the first time this happened. soojung looked surprised at his outburst and bit her lower lip in shame.

soojung remembered everything. from the first time she had accepted another guy's confession to jongin's confession. she accepted each and every one of them all because she loved the attention given to her by the guys and felt like a princess.

the first guy's confession.

"soojung! the prettiest out of all the prettiest. i like you! will you be my girlfriend?" kang minhyuk, a pre med student, confessed with a bouquet of flowers in his hand.

soojung smiled shyly at the attention and nodded her head. "of course i will!"

the second guy's confession.

"ever since i met you, i thought you were an angel. you were so beautiful wearing your dress that you love. i like you. i really like you. will you be mine?" kim myungsoo, a performing arts student, confessed with his friends taking pictures and videos.

soojung smiled confidently as everyone's attention was on her, waiting for her reply. "yes i will." she said and curled her hair behind her hear.

the third guy's confession.

park hyungsik, a music student, filled the new gym with his melodic voice as he sang the song he wrote for soojung. "i didn't think i would actually like you but here i am, standing infront of you here today and confessing to you. jung soojung, will you be my muse and be my girlfriend in the same time?" hyungsik said after he had finished singing.

soojung smiled at him and nodded her head with a loud yes.

every confession led to them going to a place and soojung asking joohyuk to let her explain. joohyuk let her explain because that was what love did to him. she had so much power over him and she knew it. she always expected him to come right back to her when she needed him. but now, it seemed like that joohyuk now had enough.

"no! please! let me explain! let me fix what i had broken!" soojung started begging and tears slowly came out of her eyes. she cupped joohyuk's cheeks and looked at him. "please.... let me explain." she said and looked into his eyes.

joohyuk's tears started rolling down his cheeks once again. "i don't want to. so you can leave me and my heart alone. it doesn't need to be broken again." he said and removed soojung's hands from his cheeks. soojung cupped his cheeks again and kissed him. joohyuk just stood in his place, not kissing back. soojung pulled away and she became a sobbing mess. she kissed him. then pulled away. then kissed joohyuk again. and again. and again. until she realized he will never give in again.

what a fool she is, thinking he'll come right back to her.

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