Chapter 4

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I woke up. My back was extremely soar. My mouth was gagged. My eyes where blindfolded. I tried to sit up but something was tied to me. It was very heavy.

" Sit back." A masculine voice said.

A stopped struggling. Then remembered where I was. Then I continued struggling. I tried to scream through the gag.

"It's no use." He said.

I still continued to struggle.

"If I take off your blindfold will you stop trying to struggle?"He said.

I stopped struggling allowing my self to sink back down. The blindfold was tooken off.

Sitting a chair about two feet away sat a man. He wore royal robes red with black on white spots on the edge. His black hair was in eyes. Ears stuck out of his hair. A crown sat on his head. He was smiling wickedly at me.

It was the king.

I lay there quite stunned for a while.

"Hello. I'm king Tyran. King of the wolves. You are now my slave. Nice to meet you."He smiled. He stood up and snapped his fingers.

A werewolf apeared out of the shadows. He had brown hair. His eyes were also brown. He had a grim exspression.

"Take her to the A-werewolves. Answer her questions."He walked away.

The werewolf walked toward me.I started to struggle again afraid he would hurt me.

"I'm not going to injure you." He said. I tried to stop but kept shivering with fear.

"Now if I take the gag off you can't scream." He looked at my uncertainly.

I nodded my head. He reached over and took it off.

I didn't say anything still.

"What's your name?"He started.

"J-jane." I replied.

" Do you remember what happened?" He asked.

I nodded."I d-don't understand though."

"You were bit by a werewolf and a werebird at the same time. Your a hybrid." He explaned.

"T-that's not p-possible. I-I'm a storm blood."I say carefully not sure he believed me or not.

"Maybe. Has anything meraculous happen in your life?" He asked.

"Uh..."Then it dawned on me. "The vision. The unexplained healing. The Night made me a dawnblood."

I no longer cared whether there was a werewolf or not."Where is the Night?!"

"They have her in captivety..."His hands were ready to cover his ears if needed.

"You can't do that! If she is even touched by a male anything she'll turn into a Kelpie! You can't!"I told him urgently.

"It's not under my control."He sighed.

"No! No..."I started to cry. The night dosen't deserve this she'll become a Kelpie. There is no hope.

"Ryan can you report something." The werewolf talked to the direction the King disapeared.

"Yes Drew." The werewolf who must have been Ryan.

Drew explained how I got dawnblood. Then Ryan walked away.

"Well...time to go to the A-werewolves. "He said bringing out a dagger.

I tried to prepare my self for the dagger to slice through me, but it never came.

"Come on. Get up."He said grabbing me by the rope that was around my chest and arms.

I tried to sit up."I-I can't. You have to take off the heavy thing on my back."

"I can't." Drew sighed.

"Why not?" I ask.

"It's connected to you. Here." He pulled me up by the rope.

I half walked and half got dragged.

Drew lead me to a mirror.

I gasped. Wings ran out of my back. Starting at the tips of the wings was white fading into blue fading into dark blue.

"Oh..."I tryed to move them around me so they rapped around my body so the weight was evenly distributated.

"What is...A-werewolves?" I asked.

"It's where we have all the female werewolves."He replied.

Ryan came back."The King wants her."

He pointed at me.

"Okay. I'll take her to him." Drew replied.

I started to shake again. What does he want with me?

I walked with Drew. He lead through hallways and corridors. Werewolves staired. I tryed to cover myself with my wings.

We finally stoped at a big oak door. Drew opened the door.

We were in a big dark room. A little light filtered in through some windows."King Tyran I have her for you."

"Good. Bring her to me." The King said like I was a toy.

Drew walked me over to the King who hid in the shadows.

Drew dropped me and left.

"Hello again."He said like it was any normal day.

I stared at the floor.

"Oh don't be that way."He sighed.

He knelt and raised my head to the light. "I need your help."He growled.

What is with this guy? Is he bipolar?

"W-what is it?"I ask. I started to shake again.

"Well I've been told you were graced with the Night's presence. And we came across the problem you spoke of..."He trailed off.

"You didn't." I say my voice giving way to anger.

"You better fix her." He growled.

"Or what!?" I feel an unknown feeling from my throwt. Was that a growl?

"Or you will die." He said this with complete ease.

He pulled out a dagger, and cut my last ropes.

Then he disapeared. I turned around fast enough to see him close the door. Locking me in.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2017 ⏰

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