Our first date

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Wyatt's Pov:

I was sleeping but then I felt someone wake me up. When i opened my eyes I wasn't, in my own bedroom, but then I remembered what happened last night. " Good morning babe" Y/n said. "Good morning baby" l said. " Oh I just remembered that my friend ,Finn Wolfhard is moving here today, can he stay here for a while only until he has a place of his own?" I asked her. " yeah of course. He could stay in the guest bedroom. " she said. I went over to her and gave her a kiss on the cheek. She started to smile. I am so lucky to have her.  Today is the weekend so we get to do anything we want. I decided to take her out on our first date. "Hey baby, wanna go somewhere tonight, like a restaurant before Finn gets here. He won't be here till 8." i asked. "Yeah sure. Let's go downstairs for breakfast."

                                                      *time skip to after breakfast*

"I think I'm gonna spend the day with f/n. Ill be back in time for our date." she said. She came over to me and gave me a kiss. "Bye babe." i said then she left. I told my mom that i'll be staying at y/n's house until her dad gets home from his business trip, she first wasn't ok with it but then she gave in. I picked up some clothes from my house then went back. When I was at my house, I picked up a dress suit to wear. When i got back you y/n's house i got a call from Finn. 

Finn: Hey Wy, Im going to be at the house in 10 minutes. My mom got me on an earlier flight. I can't wait to see you and your new girlfriend.

Me: Oh umm...well that's great but I kind of have a date with her tonight but i guess you could come and tag along. I don't want to leave you all alone so...

Finn: Omg i'm sorry dude, it's fine i'll go to a hotel and at 8 i'll just go to the house.

Me: No no it's fine.  

Fin: OK. Gtg bye.


I'm happy that Finn is coming earlier but I kinda have wished to take y/n out on our first date. 

                                                    *time skip to when Finn gets here*

It's around 5:00, Finn should be here any second. *Knock* *Knock* *knock* I opened the door and saw Finn standing there with a suitcase. "Hey buddy! I missed you!" he said. "Yeah I missed you too. Here come in and I'll take you to the guest bedroom." He followed me up the stairs the room. "Thanks man for letting me stay here." he said. "yeah, no problem. Y/n should be here any second. I told her that you came here earlier and she's ok with it." I told Finn. "Ok. I don't have to go and ruin your first date, like I said I could go to a hotel and..." just then the door opened and came in y/n with a beautiful dress on. (Wyatt's reaction to seeing you is on top)           She looks so beautiful. I walk up to her. "You look very beautiful y/n" I say to her. "Thank you." she blushes. Gosh, she's so cute when she blushes. "Oh, and this is Finn." I tell her, I totally forgot that he was here. "Hi Finn, I'm y/n." she says while shaking his hand. "Hi, I'm Finn."  he says. "Let's go to dinner, I'm hungry." I said. We all agreed to go to an Italian restaurant, it wasn't too fancy but fancy enough. Y/n told me in the car quietly that this didn't have to count as our first date. I agreed and kept on driving.  After the restaurant we all went back t the house and watched movies. Finn was sleeping on the floor, me and y/n on the couch. I was the only one awake. I started to get tired so I picked up y/n bridal style and woke up Finn. "Hey, I'm going to go to bed. Good night." :Goodnight. Yeah, me too. I'll see you in the morning." he said sleepily.

When I out y/n down on the bed she suddenly woke up. "I thought you were sleeping?" I asked. "No, I just wanted you to carry me up the stairs because I'm too lazy to walk." she said. I am so lucky to have her. When I got in bed, she cuddled next to me. We spent the night kissing and cuddling each other, today was a good day.

(A/N: Hey guys i'm running out of ideas. Should there be Finn conflict? Idk, you guys comment down below what you think.)

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