Chapter 16: Movie Night

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Hey guys! So I have no idea how to use grammer right now so ya. Umm... please follow me>< 


Tsukiya pov

While Jun was eating the food while Mizuki was gone I noticed a small black item in Jun's ear and inside her shirt collar. So that is how they communicate to each other.

"Don't be shy. I find your blush is rather adorable and cute." She blushed even more. Ugh. She is like all of the other naive and stupid girls. I tried to act like I actually care and charming to her.

"Um... thank you... Mr. -"

"You can call me Tsukiya. No need to be formal. Can I call you darling?" I said.

"Well... sure master." She blushed even harder. At this rate she will have a major nose bleed. Perfect.

"Well are you done with dinner?"

"Yes. T-Thank you for letting m-me eat dinner with y-you." She blushed more. By this point her face looked like a tomato. I got up and walked over to her place. I put my hand on top of her shoulder and reached to get the plate in a way where she could see my muscles. I leaned down close to her and grabbed the plate. I walked over to the kitchen and gave it to another maid there. I walked back and asked her if she wanted to watch a movie. When she nodded her head we headed to the living room.

"What movie should we watch Jun?" I put my arm on the top of the couch on Jun's side and placed a blanket on both of us.

"I d-don't know." She looked down into her lap. After I scrolled down in Netflix she said that we should watch Happy Death Day. searched for it and it popped up.

Skip the ship

Midway through the movie pretended to sleep so that Jun can see how peaceful I am when I sleep. That was when I heard another pair of quiet foot steps.

"Hey Mizuki."

"Yo Jun. How was it?"

"It's was amazing! Thank you for helping me."

"No prob. I hate him anyways so it won't matter if we do it or not. I just want to be free from this stupid contract. Forget about how I'm doing we should talk about you."

"Well... I tried to keep it under control but he did stuff that was a slur to make me fangirling over him."

"I could tell. Your blushing like crazy."

"Sorry Mizuki."

"Don't apologize to me. So how is the speaker and microphone working?"

"It's great and it works."

"That's good news."

"What is It about?"

"Oh it's a horror movie about a girl that has to repeat her birthday and she keeps getting killed by her murder. She has to keep repeating her day until she finds who her murderer is. It's really good. I recommend watching it if you're into horror movies. I also recommend watching Saw and the the other 7 movies, It, Jigsaw, and Death House. I've watched them and they were really good. Oh this isn't a movie but Stranger Things is amazing. I'm obsessed with it right now. I love Eleven. She is amazing and I love the fact that she loves waffles.

"I'm not really into scary movies. They just scare me out."

"Oh. Um... here are some tips you could do when your with him. Do not blush too much. You then will look like a tomatoes. Talk little bit more loudly and from what you usually do when your looking at him you should look up."

"Ok. I will try."

"Anything else... oh you should also try to make a move."

"What do you mean by that?"

"I don't know. I always see the men doing it when the women should also do it to. I think it's just sexist. The men making all the moves while the women just follows. Ugh. Give me a break." Mizuki said as if she was disgusted but that fact.

"Should I lean in towards him?"

"Sure. I'm not good in love. Too be honest to me love is just a overrated word people use too much. Sorry if you think it's false but that is what I think."

"Oh... um... ok."

"Well um... How about you take Tsukiya to his room?"


I should probably wake up. I slowly open my eyes and sifted myself up so I was in a comfortable position.

"Oh hello beautiful. I didn't notice you there." I looked at Mizuki. She then quickly game me a disgusted look.

"Oh I just finished my work. Oh that reminds me I should do some other chores. It never ends. Well see ya and night." Mizuki said. She then got up and walked away.

"Sorry that I missed about half of the movie. I was really tired from doing work."

"Oh... it's ok." Ugh. I hate those girls who acts nice and shy but in reality they are really monsters. I looked up at the screen and it was the credits. I grabbed the remote and turned the tv off.

"Well it's late. We should probably go to sleep." I got close to her.

"Well sweet dreams sweetheart." I kissed her head and then walked away. Revenge is sweet served cold. 

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