1: Running or Flying, Which is Easier

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I started to feel energy surge through me and stopped in my tracks. The energy released and started to cover the area around me. I felt my jacket ripping and changing. When the energy surge finished, I looked down at myself and saw a superhero costume on me. A red cape, gold on my arms and body, with red spikes on the arms, I was also wearing a mask. 

OK, a force field, energy surge, what other powers could I have? I asked myself. I thought of flying and I started to hover off the ground.

"So, I can fly? Interesting." My hand started to glow brown and I moved it up and a rock followed the pattern of my hand. Elemental control, cool. I thought. I landed and tried to take the suit off, but it wouldn't, so I thought of it coming off and it dissolved into nothingness.

I walked back to my house and went back to Hazel. She had lost a lot of blood, but she was already dead. I looked back in the direction of the sniper and flew in that direction. When I got to the sniper's position I followed the tracks that they left behind. I saw a truck driving away with the sniper rifle in the back and changed into my costume and ran after them.

When I got tired, I started flying and caught up to the truck; I released my energy and popped a tire. The sniper got his gun and tried shooting at me again; I used my force field to deflect the shots, just like the first time.

"Stop!" I yelled and a pulse blast came from my hand and hit the sniper's gun. He screamed and the truck flipped over and crashed on the side of the road.

"Pl...pl...please don't hurt me, I didn't mean to kill your girlfriend." The sniper stuttered.

"Who do you work for?" I asked him.

"The Crone crime family. They sent me to kill you." He said to me.

Why, what did I do to the Crone crime family?" I asked him.

"You are the leader's son. Mr. Johnson, he wanted me to kill you. It was to teach all other children of the Crone family not to leave us. But I sneezed and the bullet went to your girlfriend. I'm so sorry." He said.

"I do forgive you for killing her. But I do not forgive you for trying to kill me. Tell me, where can I find Mr. Johnson?" I asked him.

"You should know, you’re his son." The man said, slipping unconscious. I flew away and landed at the beach at San Diego bay.

"Hazel, I don't remember anything, the Crone crime family. My father, Mr. Johnson. I don't remember anything from when I woke up this morning. What happened to me?" I asked out to the ocean.

"I know what happened." A girl’s voice said.

"Hazel?" I asked.

"No, my name is Caroline Ryder. I was at your party last night." Caroline introduced herself.

"What happened?" I asked Caroline.

"During the party, you, Zackary Johnson, challenged my boyfriend to a soda drinking contest. People brought out two twelve packs of soda and you guys started drinking, you guys tied at eleven each." She explained.

"What about me forgetting everything, how did that happen?" I asked.

"I will just tell you everything. After you guys drank eleven sodas, you fell on the ground and broke the twelve bottle. Everyone but me, my boyfriend, and Hazel stayed. Hazel then passed out and me and my boyfriend went back to his house and we talked out on the back porch. A sniper was aiming for me and killed him. I ran away after that." She told me

"Let me guess, the sniper was from the-"

"The Crone crime family." She finished my sentence.

"Same as me, but why target you? You have nothing to do with the crime family." I asked her.

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