2: We find nothing, but Each other

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I watched as Caroline jumps out of the plane and morphs her suit on, she even included wings to it since her name was Angel. I continue diving down and almost reach the speed of light, I was going so fast that back in California, I could have dived a few miles underwater. I saw Caroline yell something to me, but I couldn't here or read what she said. I looked back down and saw the ground and trees coming up at me and pulled up, almost ripping my arms off and trying to slow myself down.

"I said watch out, you could've killed yourself." She told me when we landed.

"Yeah, how about we rest over by these rocks," I said.

"How much do you know about me?" I asked. "I know everything about you. We were and still are best friends. I could tell you anything that you want to know about you." Caroline replied.

"Can you tell me things about me?" I asked.

"What do you want to know?" She asked.

"Anything you want to tell me." I replied.

"You play guitar, you have lots of friends, you played football, your mother died in a car accident. What else do you want to know?" She asked.

"Tell me about me and Hazel. How did we meet?" I replied.

"You two met when you were deciding what to eat at your favorite fast food restaurant, Wendy's, and she was working as a cashier. It was a slow day, so you were the only one in there. She helped you look at the menu and she went on brake and you two shared a smoothie. Your best friend was there with you and he became my boyfriend and we shared the exact same flavor smoothie as you guys. After that you two were in love and could not be parted. Unfortunately, she was not allowed to go on break at that time and was fired from her job." Caroline explained.

"Why did I throw a party last night?" I asked. 

"Because you were excited that you finally got away from your father. You just wanted time away from him." Caroline said. I took all of this in while we walked to the location of my vision.

"Here, we made it, the sign says: Welcome to camp, have a great time. The only thing is, this is not a camp. This is the place I ran away from." I said. We formed back to human and walked inside the "camp." When we got inside we saw what looked like a normal camp.

"Are you sure this is the right place?" Caroline asked.

"I'm pretty sure it is. This is what I remember from my vision." I replied.

"Well I'm not really sure if you are even right in the head and-Ahhh!" She yelled as she slipped on a cliff.

"Don't worry, I got ya, I won't let you go." I said, holding her arm.

"Please. Don't. Let. Go. Of. Me." She said.

"I won't. I won't." I reassured her.

"Pull me up." She said. I pulled her over and she landed on top of me.

"Thanks...you saved...my...life." She said, looking into my hazel eyes.

"No problem, I need you." I replied.

"Wait, you need me?" She asked.

"Not like that, I mean that I need you to get revenge." I added.

"So you need me?" She asked again.

"Well...I mean..." I stopped as she hugged me.

"I love you." She whispered into my ear.

"I know." I replied. I kissed her cheek then let go.

"Zack, I don't know why, but I love you." Caroline said.

"I don't know either, but I love you too." I replied. We got up and walked out of the camp and went into town.

"Zack, I don't know where to look, we have been going everywhere." Caroline said.

"I don't know where we should look either, but we will find them, and get our revenge." I said. We walked into a motel and got a room.

"How are we supposed to get the money to stay here?" She asked me.

"Same way the mafia got their's. We're gonna gamble." I replied.

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