Prompt 6

7 1 0

(A/N: "What is wrong with you?!" "Hey calm down it's not my fault I turned your mom into chocolate!")

Jared Seersh poked the figure of chocolate while his girlfriend, Sally Nishtov, was totally freaking out, "No don't touch her!! that could hurt!!!" Sally collapsed out of sheer shock and just stared at her mother.

"Geez babe calm down. Remember, you get your inheritance quicker this way! Plus I think there's some whipped cream in the back-" "WHAT THE HECK JARED?!?!" 

Jared chuckled lightly, "You're right. This stuff is way too old to eat." Jared gave his girlfriend finger guns and she just put her hands up in the "why??!?!?" position and just intensely stared at Jared in horror. 

"Heh. Tough crowd today are ya..? Oh sorry is it that  time of the month--?" "FOR PETE'S SAKES THIS IS SERIOUS JARED. My mother is made of chocolate which means she can't breathe, I cant perform CPR because SHE'D CRUMBLE, and my boyfriend is making fun of everything about it." She stared at the ground intensely and went limp. 

Jared wondered how far he could push this and did his best to keep a neutral face. He sighed, "Well... I'm sorry... Y'know what I'll get us some tea, we can sit down and we'll decide what to do next alright??" Sally didn't respond, she just stayed in the bent over position while muttering "Does chocolate even need to breathe?" to herself while Jared did his best to look natural. He decided to try again, "Sally? Babe? Tea?" He picked her up onto the couch and rubbed her arm. She finally looked up and replied reluctantly, "O-ok..." 

"Attagirl. Here take a blanket. I'll get us some tea. I'll be right back." He placed a blanket around her shaking figure and got up.

He walked to the kitchen, taking note of a car on the ground, then filled up a pot with water, he chuckled quietly to himself and texted someone while he waited "Hey, can you come over? Sally's not feeling to great." 

The water had not quite started boiling yet so he brought the cups over to Sally. He had gotten a lavender tea bag for her and a peppermint for him. He went back to the kitchen when the water was boiling and walked back into the living room. He got a text back which he checked as he was walking (don't text and walk kids... think about poor Frisk). He read as far as "Right around the-" when he did it. He stepped and slid on the toy car and fell flat on hi face... splashing boiling water over Sally's mother while doing so.

Sally went ghost white and finally screamed and broke down sobbing at the remains of her, now officially dead, mother, "NOOOOOOOO!!!!! GODDAMNIT!!!" 

As she was laying down the door of the house opened only to see Sally's sobbing and Jared's shaking forms next to a steaming pile of melted brown stuff. "Oh hell." The person rushed over to Sally and yanked her to face themselves, "Sally?? Sally listen to me!! Goddamnit Jared you said you were going to prank her not scar her!" Sally looked at the person as more tears streamed down her face. 

"M-mom??" Sally wiped her tears and then proceeded to faint.

Jared's shaking form let out belts of laughter and could hardly breathe, "I-I'm sorryhyhyhyyyy...!!! HOLY HECK!! Bahahaha!!!!! I'm a dickkkkk..."

Sally's mother's face went red, "Yeah I can see that! what did you do?!?!"

Then Jared explained it all while laughing and earned quite a few slaps across the face, and many more when Sally woke up. Five years later they married and had a chocolate cake.

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