Meeting The First Time

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It was the first day of 11th grade. As I walked into the classroom, and signed in, I noticed a hot guy in a leather jacket sitting toward the back of the room.
I didn't think anything of him, but I sat next to him.
I looked at him, into his pretty eyes.

He said.

I replied.

"Uh, I'm Tim."


"Oh, that's a pretty name."
He said.

I say.

"Yeah, no problem."
Tim says.

We get out math, and start to work on it quietly talking in between working.

After math we went to gym class.

Tim and I played basketball together until the end of gym class.

When gym was over, we headed back to the room to start Literature, and history. We continued to talk, and smile at each other. We made each other laugh, we made one another happy as could be. Then cane language arts, then lunch. We both talked a lot at luck, Be we both enjoyed each others company. After lunch, we talked, and talked some more.

We then started science and LA. After that, we had group, and then it was time to go home.

Before we both left, we exchanged numbers, and stuff like that. Then we said goodbye to each other.

Melia+Tim (Two Wolf Rebels In Love)❤️حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن