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WHY HAD SHE WAITED SO DANG LONG? If only she would have known how this would have felt...

Reciprocating the passion she laid before him, Adrien pushed his lanky fingers into her inky, soft hair, tangling the locks together carelessly. His hands then drifted from her cheek to her waist, bringing her in impossibly close.

Both of their heads and hearts were spinning as fireworks erupted in the background. Marinette could almost hear the booming music playing from the speakers. She moved her lips sloppily against his, fire building up inside of her stomach.

Their actions spoke for each word they felt emotionally.

Adrien broke their searing kiss, leaving his forehead pressed against hers. "We could continue this at my place," he supposed. He lowered his head, applying light kisses to her neck, fuzzing her sight and speaking abilities slightly.

Swallowing a thick pull of saliva, she replied, "I need time to get dressed." Her voice was beautifully ruined from the sweet display of the appreciation they shared.

"Y-Yeah, okay. I'll... uh... meet you outside in ten, alright?" Adrien stuttered, trying to get a handle on himself too.

Agreeing, Marinette walked backward, the scene entrancing as the dark fabric they were stowed under was slipping from the crown of his head. Gracefully, she adjusted the curtain so that it once again wrapped around her slim shoulders.

The pair moved backwards, not really keen on looking anywhere else but the other person. Her feet dawdled clumsily, not having her bearings in order quite yet.

After she was a few good feet from him, she turned around, heading to the feeding room where her clothes were. Along the way was a grinning Davis, luckily not poking fun of how dark pink her cheeks happened to be.

Marinette's hands were shaking from nerves. The girl clearly knew that she needed to have a good talk with Adrien, and going off of what had just occurred, it was safe to say they were on the same page.

With quick work, she dressed herself and subtly fixed her makeup as necessary. After double checking her hair, she was ready to go.

Meeting Adrien where he was outside, true to his word, a huge smile cracked her petite face. Much like it was out of a romantic movie, he turned to face her, as if in slow motion. He returned her grin and then some.

Marinette had to tell him. She couldn't hold onto the tidbit of knowledge that she liked him.

Hell, she loved him. Her heart was tripping over itself just by looking into his sparkling emeralds.

It was silly, really, but it made sense.

"You ready to go?" Adrien quizzed, suddenly acting shy as he fiddled with his hands. "With you? Always," she whispered. The girl had no clue where all of the sweet flirts and glances came from, but heck, she was going to roll with it.

Much like the gentleman Adrien has always been, he opened the car door for her before rounding over to his own side. "Is the air temperature comfortable? If not you can-"

Marinette giggled at his adorable uneasiness. "Not to be cheesy and quote Rihanna, but shut up and drive." His green eyes doubled in size, cheeks turning red from embarrassment. He aptly nodded, silently agreeing as he practically threw the gear into drive.

Through the winding duration of the car ride, she peered out the tinted window. She reflected on how the dynamic of their friendship had shifted into this raw and utter passion. It was smooth, for the most part, and it seemed... organic, like this was how it luckily got to happen.

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