Chapter 3: Welcome To My Life Asshole

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Meet Salem ^.^

I found myself in front of a Bed and Breakfast. This could work, if only I had money. God, this sucks! I really need to get a job. I walked away knowing they wouldn't let me stay. I heard grunts in an alleyway near by.

I wonder what's going on. Wait...maybe I shouldn't go, because it's none of my business. Then again it sounded like that scumbag from earlier. I'll show him how angry I can get. God, I only hope he hasn't found a girl and they're having sex in alley. I would be scarred for life.

I walked along the sidewalk and stopped behind the Bed and Breakfast. The grunts sounded like they were getting closer. Please don't be having sex with someone, please don't be having sex with someone. I went into the alleyway, that's when I heard him again.

"I said give me your money!" The guy from the park said. I peaked around the corner, and sure enough there he was. Bleeding, broken, and bitching. The person he was yelling at breath hitched.

The guy from the park turned around and gave me a twisted smile. "Did you reconsider being my girl?" He asked. I smirked and looked at my hands.

 "You know, I don't like blood on my hands as much as the next girl, but you're going to pay for it." I cracked my knuckles. His blood was under my fingernails. He better not have Aids or HIV. I'd kick his ass all the way to his grave.

He chuckles and turns around to so I can see the front side of his body. His clothes were ripped and soaked in blood. It made me almost puke. "That's disgusting!" I yelled.

 "You did this to me, you tramp!" He yelled back.

I just laughed. "What did you just call me?" I asked walking up to him.

 He started smiling. "I called you a -" I punched him in the jaw before he could finish.

"Don't make me angry scumbag. You won't like it when I'm angry." I said coldly. He spit out the blood that had formed in his mouth.

"I've always said I wouldn't hit a girl, but sweetie you're pushing my limits," the scumbag said, " By the way my name is John. Nice to meet you cutie." My face twisted in disgust. How dare he give me pet names?! I'll punch that smirk right off his face!

I went to go punch him once again in the jaw, but he caught my wrist. "Not this time, sweet cheeks." John said smiling. That's when I decide to kick him in his balls. He fell down gripping himself. 

"Next time keep your hands to yourself." I growled. I looked beyond John and saw the new kid from our class. He was standing there like none of this fazed him. The hell is his problem?

"New kid you can leave now, I'll take it from here." I said, kicking John in the rib cage. He grunted. The new kid just lit a cigarette and took out at least fifty dollars. He was about to walk past me, then he stopped beside me and gave me the money.

"What's this for?" I asked curiously.

"I don't know, just thought you could use it." He said handing me the money and walking away. Is he saying I'm poor?! The nerve of that jerk! I kept kicking John until I wasn't angry anymore. I put him in the dumpster, then went to the front of the Bed and Breakfast.

Well if that didn't look like a murder, then I don't know what did? Argh! I can't believe I put him in the dumpster. I walked into the building and asked for a room. The lady at the desk looked at me skeptically. She gave me the key to Room 9. I did my best to hide the blood on my knuckles.

This better not be like Bates Motel. I shivered just thinking about it. As I made my way to the room I began to feel tired. When I finally made it to my room I unlocked the door with a key. It had a king sized bed, one couch, a small television, and a bathroom.

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